Part Two: When Do I See You Again?

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The days went by and Red Scare had launched, it was a success, quickly sold out which also meant more work for you at Trixie Cosmetics. The day had already started stressful as you woke up late and had to get ready in a second, Trixie had texted you asking if everything's ok, you were growing anxious on the way to the office, it was the first day of packaging and of course you had to be there.

You thanked the driver and made your way sprinting, you got there and left your things at your office. Just as you left the room and started walking down the hallway, you bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry" you looked up and couldn't believe your eyes. "B-rian?"

"(Y/N)!" Brian hugged you quickly, "Decided to drop by and make a surprise, at the end of the day 50% of your incredibly successful lipsticks is mine" he grinned.

"Well, let's get to packaging then? employee of the month, because God knows how late I am today". You knew focusing on your job today was gonna be challenging, your friend's/boss's best friend and coworker was making it hard to concentrate when you desperately wanted to kiss him.

"Somebody had a little fun last night" you looked at him confused, "Before you deny, you should take a look at your neck" you froze, that's what happens when you have to get ready in less than 5 minutes. Thankfully, your hair was your saving grace.

Truth of the matter was, it was one of your friends birthday yesterday and you went out drinking and celebrating, one thing led to another and you ended up sleeping with this random guy, sex was good but the whole time you could only think about this bright-eyed gorgeous man by your side, yikes.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" you said taking a bit of courage this time, and you swear he looked almost jealous. After that, the both of you kept walking down the hallway in silence, awkward.

You greeted your coworkers and got to work, but every 5 seconds you'd catch yourself looking at him to try and see what he was doing. Brian being Brian, only packed about 5 lipsticks and got tired of it, by the end of the day he was just hanging out. At a certain point, he and Trixie were talking about touring together again and about how they would have to write a whole script for it and everything. You heard you name coming out of someone's mouth, Trixie's more specifically.

"(Y/N) has experience with writing, don't you?" she asked.

"Yes actually, my dream was to become a writer but nothing would ever get close to my dream of working for a cross dresser" you said sarcastically.

"Fuck you, Brenda, didn't hear you saying that when I hired you" she said mocking being offended.

"Why did you quit then?" Brian asked interested and you swear you could melt at the way he looked at you.

"I-I think I was just too insecure at the beginning and let that affect my writing, which let me to get uncomfortable with the ideia of exposing myself in such a way and be judged by it not being good enough" You said realising how dramatic your tone was in the middle of all the joking always going on between you.

"I get that, I used to draw since I was I kid but never did anything about it because I didn't think they were good enough" he said and it felt like there was just the two of you in the room.

"I'm glad the two of you are bonding" Trixie said teasing, you'd never told her about your crush on Brian but at that moment you assumed she started suspecting of something, or maybe he told her something? No, you wouldn't let your mind trick you into believing in these kind of thoughts, all this time he was just being nice to you like a normal person, you thought.

"Shut up" Brian said smirking and you just rolled your eyes trying to act somewhat normal. You didn't realise, but it was the end of your shift already and the others were beginning to leave.

You said goodbye to everyone and went to say goodbye to Trixie and Brian. "Bye guys!" they hugged you goodbye and you were about to turn around and leave when you heard Trixie talking to you.

"Hey, (Y/N)!" you turned around "Are you busy this weekend?" she asked.

"No for a fun time, yes for work" you joked.

"We're hanging out at Amy's Saturday, would you like to come?" he asked and Brian was looking at you like a child waiting to open a present. You knew Amy through Sugarpill and always had a fun time with her, combining with your need to be closer to Brian, you just had to be there.

"Yeah, of course!" you said excitedly.

"Ok then, I'll send you the info" you nodded your head, "No alcohol unfortunately, we're trying to keep some of our friends out of a mental institution" he joked.

"Alright then, Bye" you said laughing and looking at Brian who as usual was laughing.

"Bye" they said in union and you could hear in the corner of your ear, "Told you she would say yes". You decided to wave it off, knowing it wouldn't do you much good to overthink about this whole thing.

Getting home was so relaxing after a long day of work but even then, you still weren't 100% relaxed. You tried to watch your favorite series, Fleabag after a long bath, but it didn't really help so you decided to go to bed. As you were starting to drift off to sleep, you heard a notification on your phone and being the anxious person you are, there was no way you wouldn't be checking out what it was, or who.

Brian McCook, of course.

Brian: "Is this the hooker who goes by the name of (Y/N)? I'm Brian and I'd like to schedule an appointment" Before you know, you're already smiling like an idiot.

You: " Yes, sweetheart, what can I do for you?" you decided to go along.

Brian: "So much, Maureen, you have no ideia, "

You: "Nice to know that I have you wrapped around my finger"

Brian: "Don't get cocky, sweetheart. Well, the reason why I'm bothering you this late is that Trixie asked me to send you the info about our little reunion on the weekend, which also means she's the one to blame for giving me your number" You were curious as to why did Trixie do this, she has your number... and why did it have to be Brian of all people?

You talked for a bit more and said your goodnights, your mind was racing over everything that happened these days, of course you had talked to him before and had little conversations here and there but this was getting out of control and you knew how difficult it was gonna be seeing him again and talking to him more frequently now that he has your number, the thought of him made your body go electric.

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