Part Three: Craft Night

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Saturday came rolling in and you were getting ready to go to Amy's place, excitement and nervousness filled you up. Brian had explained to you that "Craft Night" is when they all get together and choose an activity like charade or a board game to play, alcohol is prohibited because some of them have had trouble with chemicals in the past, him included as you already knew. So, it was basically a way to have fun without getting close to what's not good for them. You thought it was a cool ideia and went searching to see if you could find pictures from previous ones, and you found this one where he's holding one of his drawings.

 You thought it was a cool ideia and went searching to see if you could find pictures from previous ones, and you found this one where he's holding one of his drawings

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You had never seen him with a beard before and you can't complain, he's hot in any way.

Eventually, as you got there, Trixie opened the door and welcomed you in.

"Hi, bitch! Now that you're here, things are gonna get interesting" you looked at him confused but before you could say anything Amy hugged you, "It's good to have another person joining our club" she's always so nice, you love her.

"Would never dream of losing the opportunity to get a membership" you joked.

David, Andrew, Kim Chi and Deven Green were also there but the person you wanted to see the most was running late. Brian arrived almost an hour late, just as you were ordering pizza, Amy's on the phone and the guys were helping her out, you were the one that opened the door. There he was in all his glory, tight jeans and a white shirt.

"Oh my God, aren't you the hooker I texted yesterday?" he said, grinning and hugging you, not before giving you a quick kiss on the cheek. Blushing, all you could think about was how having his mouth on you, even for a second already felt better than you ever thought it would. You're absolutely gonna need a cold shower when you get home.

"Yeah, aren't you the bald old man that Trixie hangs out with?" you teased back.

"Oh my God, get a room!" Trixie said as she passed by the two of you to get a coke in the kitchen.

"Wanna join us?" Brian continued and by now, you must have been as red as a tomato.

You all decided that you were gonna play charade. Trixie was the first one, trying to impersonate Sarah Jessica Parker and your eyes would go from Trixie to Brian, feeling like you needed to see his every move and hoping he wouldn't notice, which you would later find out, he did.

It was Brian's turn and you were more than determined to get at least one right, you could feel your competitive self coming through. It ended up being easier then you thought though.

"Her" he said and turned around looking at you, pointing at Trixie and you got the hint.

"Her" he said and turned around looking at you,  pointing at Trixie and you got the hint

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"TRIXIE MATTEL" you screamed and everyone laughed at how quick you were.

"That's not fair Brian, you were literally pointing at her" Amy said, still laughing.

"What can I do if we have a brilliant mind against you kindergarten little brains" Brian said while Amy rolled her eyes and you just looked at him shaking your head, he gave you a little smile. It was your turn now.

"Uh, Amy's husband!" you remembered they talked about him on the podcast.

"RON PERLMAN" Brian got up and screamed.

He was correct and everyone laughed, you on the other hand were beginning to have a hard time focusing while having his eyes on you for so long

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He was correct and everyone laughed, you on the other hand were beginning to have a hard time focusing while having his eyes on you for so long. The pizza arrived and you're all chatting, and at some point, Deven started talking about this girl named Gennifer that Brian knew and you could feel your heart break into a million pieces.

"Did you really fuck her?" Deven asked laughing.

"Of course I did, three times I think" he answered and at this point you probably looked speechless because Trixie said laughing: "Somebody please give (Y/N) some context, she looks horrified" truth was, you were panicking, if you ever thought that you were a great actress, you were undeniably proved wrong now.

"Alright so, Gennifer with a G was a sex doll that I had a while ago and we had some fun times together but it just wasn't meant to be" Brian said and you felt some relieve but still wanting to have your crush on him pass by unnoticed, at least for most people in the room.

"Dumped her on Courtney's trash bin, filled with cum and with not one bit of dignity" Trixie said and everyone laughed.

"I know, poor G" Brian laughed shaking his head.

The whole night just felt like a fever dream, being this close to him was intoxicating to you, he's that attractive. After long stares, unnecessary touching and laughing at each others jokes, the night came to an end. Everybody started leaving and Trixie and David offered to give you and Brian a ride home, which you accepted, of course.

On the way home Trixie was talking about how she accepted to do so many gigs that she ended up being overworked this summer.

"Bitch I've told you multiple times, you need to take a break sometimes, Tallulah" Brian said.

"I know, but that's why we work together so well, while you're in your apartment listening to Russian pop songs and I don't know, joining a cult, I'm a young girl that's becoming a millionaire" she said in her Valley girl accent, making everyone laugh.

"But seriously though, I was thinking that maybe we could go to David's place in Palm Springs and spend like a weekend there just chilling really" Trixie said.

"Yeah, I think there's room for everyone, it would be great" David said.

"I'm down, what about you (Y/N)?" Brian asked curiously.

"Sure, I think it would be fun" you said trying to hide the fact that you had absolutely no idea how you were gonna survive sleeping in the same place as him.

"Well, that's settled then, I'm just gonna ask the rest of the gang" Trixie said. You weren't quite paying attention though, your knee was touching Brian's and he probably noticed how flustered you were getting because of this lost of personal space and decided to make the most of it, bastard.

Putting his hand on your knee and giving it a little squeeze and a smirk that only got bigger as you looked at him with your heart racing. "Nervous about something, Mary?" he whispered into your ear.

"Why would I be?" you said trying to sound nonchalant but failing miserably.

"Well, I don't know... do you mind explaining to me why every time we see each other you eye fuck me? especially today". It felt as if your body had stopped working, looking at him wide eyed, you didn't know what to say.

"And we're here, (Y/N)" Trixie said and you sighed relieved.

"Bye guys, thank you so much", turning to Brian you took courage this time, "Maybe I was eye fucking you, maybe I wasn't... why don't you find out?"

As you were leaving you heard him almost whispering: "I just may", enough to send shivers through your whole body.

Getting home, you couldn't help but let your mind race about everything that happened, you knew that after today, your secret wasn't much of a secret anymore, things could take any turn, and you really didn't know what would happen from now on.

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