Part Twenty Three: Bad At Goodbyes

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"Oh... a bad one?" He asks, his expression taking in a bit of worry. You didn't want him to worry, though. You knew he wouldn't want to leave if you tell him all about your dream. So, against everything you'd told yourself you wouldn't do this time... you hid the worst from him.

"I dreamed that we had a little girl" You said, your tone a little brighter than before. The worry soon was replaced with a smile, that almost made you forget about your previous torment.

"Really?" His tone soft like you'd never heard before, adorable to be honest. You nod.

"Yeah. She looked exactly like you, Brian" He sat by your side, wanting more details. "What was the context?"

"Oh- we were at the hospital, after I gave birth and I apparently took a nap after it. So, when I woke up the first thing I saw was you holding her in your arms, rocking her and then when you noticed I was awake, you put her in my arms and that's when I noticed how she was a literal copy of you" You continued.

"That's beautiful, baby" You can't help but press a kiss to his lips.

"I know, honey... we should really eat, though" He nods and you breathe relieved to put an end on the matter.

Breakfast was a bit uneasy, the atmosphere held some kind of melancholy. You were afraid to be alone and Brian was afraid of leaving you alone, but you both tried your best to hide it.

"How are you coping without any coffee lately?" He asks as you take another bite of your delicious pancake.

"Oh God, don't even get me started. No coffee. No alcohol. No cigarettes. And we still have six months ahead of us" You shake your head with wide eyes, making him chuckle.

"I think they're still prohibited when you're breastfeeding. Not really sure, though" He says, taking a sip of his coffee and laughing at your reaction.

"It's all your fault" You slap him as he walks past you to get a glass of water.

"I'll pay you back" He gives you a smug smile.

"Yeah? How?" You rest your chin on your hand, daring him.

"I'll get pregnant. Trixie's the father" He says serious but cracking as soon as you choke on your breakfast with his answer.

"Can't say I was expecting that. Bet the people on twitter will go feral over it"

"Oh, Mary... they absolutely will" He chuckles. Everything's silent as he looks at you adoringly.


"Nothing. I just don't want to miss a single second of this, especially when having to be away from you"

You're taken aback by his words. Brian always managed to make you feel so loved that no matter what, you always felt protected around him.

"When did you turn into such a romantic?" You ask in awe.

"Excuse me? All this time and you didn't think I was one? You're such a cunt!" He says in fake offence, bringing his hand to his chest.

"You've certainly outdone yourself, baby" You answer and he wraps his arms around you, as you rest your head on his stomach.

"Have I really?" He smiles, touching his forehead to yours. You nod, kissing him until the need to breathe gets in your way. "I'm definitely gonna miss that" He says as you catch your breath.

"How long till you have to go?" You ask as you finish eating.

"Couple of minutes. Why?" He answers as he checks his phone.

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