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Chapter 31: Revenge

*Emma's POV*

I'm tied up.. Again! Nothing new there.. WRONG! This time I'm tied up in some magical rope. I'm not joking. It's literally magic rope. I can't break it and it's glowing red. Also, I'm tied up by another rope, to the ceiling, so basically I'm dangling. Not very comfortable if I may add. I'm also alone and so bored. I want to get out of here and go back to my kids and friends. It isn't fair... What did I even do to these people anyway? I don't even know who they are. Except one of them. The guy who looks like Louis.. Who haunts my dreams, and turns them into nightmares. But still, I don't really know who he is.

A door suddenly opens and they all walk in, one by one. In total they're five. Five guys. I look at them each in the eyes and they all have red eyes, which means they aren't exactly nice.

"So... It's lovely to see you again." The Louis look alike says.

"What do you mean again?" I ask, tiredly.

"Oh, you don't remember do you?" He asks, with a hint of enjoyment in his voice.

"Well.. I saw you just a few hours ago..." What the hell is this guy talking about? I'm beginning to think that maybe, he has the wrong girl.

"Well.. Remember that guy who kidnapped you?.." He starts circling me. "Remember, there was someone else there." My eyes widen. These are the guys who almost kidnapped me, instead of Liam..?

"Okay.... Why did you want to kidnap me?" I ask.

"You seemed like a good choice." He says and stops circling me, facing me.

"A good choice for what?" I'm not liking where this is going.

"I'm a 'vampire' love.." He puts up his hands and does air quotations. I furrow my eyebrows as he continues. "We all are. And we all have needs." He says with a smirk. Oh, so basically they're going to kidnap me, for the same reason Liam kidnapped me!? What the fuck, do I have like a sign that says 'Vampire's, free food. Free toy!?'

"Well too bad for you, I'm a vampire now. So let me go!" I say, looking into his fire red eyes.

"That's the thing.. I don't want to let you go." He grins.

"Why? I'm of no use to you."

"Oh, but you are." He smiles walking next to one of his friends.

"Okay whatever, who the hell are you!?" He just smirks again. This guy is giving me the creeps, especially since he looks like Louis.

"Great, let's share names!" He points to the guy next to him, who just frowns at him. The guy turns to look at me and sighs.

"I'm Luke." I stare at him and he glares at me.

"I'm Michael." The other guy, next to him says. He gives me a small smile and looks at his friend next to him, who looks at me up and down.

"Ashton." He says giving me a smile. I don't show emotion.

"Calum." The next guy says. He looks like he doesn't want to be here. I look back at the Louis look alike. He smiles at me and walks closer to me. I stare at him.

"And I'm Will." He smirks.

"Great, and I'm Emma. Now that we all know each other.. Let. Me. Go!" He puts a hand on my cheek and stares directly into my eyes. I immediately close my eyes and he chuckles.

"Don't worry love. I'll let you go."

"When?" I ask, reopening my eyes.

"I'll leave you with the boys." He ignores my question and walks out. Well, I guess I'll yell at him later. I look at the boys. This is so boring and awkward. Why can't they just let me go?

"Hey guys, look.. Let me go, and I won't tell anyone where you took me and who you are. Deal?" I ask and they just blink.

"Do you really think we're going to let you go?" Luke says and I sigh. I guess not.

"But why am I here? I didn't do anything!" I state as he just shrugs. He doesn't seem to know.

"Will just wants revenge... And some fun." Ashton says and smirks.

"Revenge?" I ask, not really understanding.

"Yeah, from that guy who kidnapped you, instead of us." How is he going to do that? It's not like Liam can find me. I'm literally in the middle of nowhere!

"And what do you mean by 'some fun'?" He smirks and walks closer to me.

"Like this."

*Liam's POV*

"It has been more than a day since Emma has gone missing." Niall states.

We're on the tour bus and we try staying in the area, but we can't find her anywhere. Paul even got some of his vampire friends to help look for her. Sabrina called Jade, asking her if she saw her and she hasn't. We're parked in a drive-through. While everyone is looking around, I'm waiting with Eli and Anabel. The door opens and a girl comes in. I look at her weird and she smiles.

"You must be Liam! I'm Jade." She says, coming closer to me. She shakes my hand. Her eyes widen as she backs up. I smile at her, ignoring her sudden change of mood. She turns to look at the kids. Anabel, is starting to grow. She looks a year old. Eli is able to talk, and he looks maybe four years old..

"Hey Jade! I'm Eli, and this is my sister-"

"Anabel." Jade says and picks her up. Anabel looks at her and smiles.

"Right, you can tell the future!" He says and she nods. The door opens again and everyone comes inside.

"She's not here either." Sabrina sighs. Harry wraps an arm around her and looks at me.

"Where can she be?" I say and sit down on a sofa. Louis sits down next to me.

"I have an idea on how you can find her." Jade says. We all look up at her.

"Really!?" We ask and she nods.

"Eli, you have a tracking power. Can't you use it to find her?" Jade asks and he looks deep in thought.

"I tried that, but it's like she's caught in someone else's magic. When I try to communicate with her by mind, all I can pick up is darkness." He says, and we sigh. How are we going to find her?

"Where could they have taken her..?" Louis asks sadly. He seems to be most affected by all of this. He's worst than me. He doesn't sleep, he cries almost every day, and he always speaks with his mind, trying to find her. But it never works.

"... I think you guys should feed." Eli suggests. We all nod and Sabrina goes into the fridge grabbing a bunch of blood bags. She hands one to everyone, and when she gets to Louis, he declines.

"C'mon Lou, you need to be strong!" She says and he just gets up and leaves the tour bus.

"I think he needs his space, for a few minutes." Paul says and we nod.

*Louis' POV*

This is killing me. We haven't found her yet and I'm beginning to freak out. Eli can't communicate with her because apparently someone is blocking her with black magic. I swear, when I find who kidnapped her, I'll tear him limb from limb.

I walk slowly around the drive-through. I have to calm down. I'm just so emotional right now and it really isn't helping.

Suddenly, I feel a breeze. How odd.. It came out of nowhere. I stop and look around. I don't move and I listen, trying to pick up any noises. All of a sudden my head feels funny, and this crazy kind of pain shoots through my whole body. I can't scream. This is so painful. I see a figure coming towards me. He has a huge smirk on his face... He looks exactly like me.

"Well hello there Louis! Man, we do look alike." He snickers. The pain isn't going away and I still can't move. I notice one of his hands is up. He's doing this.

"See, I hope you don't mind. I'm going to replace you for just a little while." My eyes start to water, this is too painful.

"W-why?" I try to say. He just smiles at me evilly.

"Just a little something called revenge." His eyes get darker and then I fall into complete darkness.

Under The Darkness {One Direction Vampire Fan Fic}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang