Let's Play A Game

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Chapter 5: Let's Play A Game

*Emma's POV*

"Here. Is this okay?" Niall gives me his grey sweat pants and a red polo.

"Thank you Niall." I smile taking the clothes from him.

I know them. I know them all. They're that famous boy band everyone is talking about nowadays. One Direction. It just popped up in my head, when he said what his name was. So the most famous boy band right now are vampires? What is going on with this world!?

I eye him as he looks around his room. His eyes land on me. I quickly look away and slip on the clothes. He keeps staring at me, like if I'm a meal or something... Well I guess I kind of am.

"Let's go see the lads." He grabs my wrist when I finished getting dressed. He basically drags me to the living room. I hate these boys. They just use me for everything and its getting on my nerves! Especially that Liam dude. He randomly decides to kidnap me, and torture my life some more... Why didn't they just kill me for god sakes? It would save me from all this pain.

"Emma!" I look over at the voice. Oh it's Louis, the only nice one here. He actually talks to me and makes me feel a little less afraid. I muster a small smile.

"Hi Louis." Niall is still holding my wrist and he only grips it harder. I can't feel my hand.

"So... What you guy's wanna do?" Niall asks the boys. They look over at me and stare.

"Oh! I know!" I say rather loudly.

"What?" The darker skinned one says... Was it Zen? Z..... Oh yeah, Zayn!

"You can let me go!" I say with too much enthusiasm.

"Uh, no." Liam says. Oh go to hell Liam! Aren't you suppose to be the nice one of the group? Well that's what I heard. If he is, then what the bloody hell? The rest of them must be worst!

"Yeah, what Liam said." The one with the weird hair.... Harry, speaks up.

"Harry.... Zayn...." I whisper. They look at me oddly. I look at Harry for a few seconds and he smirks at me. He starts looking at me up and down, while licking his lips. What a pervert!

Niall lets go of my wrist finally. I start rubbing it, while looking around. Where's the exit?... If I find it, I can try to escape. I start to walk around the living room. Taking slow steps. I walk behind the couch. They all seem to be staring at me. It's creepy.

"Can you look at something else?"

"Nope, your nice to look at.... You know, I quite enjoyed the view last night." Liam smirks. I stop dead in my tracks and look over at him. He winks as he looks at me up and down. What the fucking hell?

"Oh and your behind is so delicious." I feel a hand smack my ass. I gasp looking around to see Zayn with a smirk on his face. Where's the exit?! I look away... And there it is. My ticket to freedom. The door!

"Well... I'm going back to the room now..." I say and they nod.

I start to walk slowly towards the direction of the room, while their heads are all turned..... Last minute, I quickly make a detour, running towards the exit.

"Oh great, here we go." Harry says.

"And the fun begins." Liam says.

I open the door and I'm about to run, but instead I'm stopped by an invisible barrier. I fall backwards to the ground and I stare at the door. NO! WHY!?

"Well, that worked." Harry says, and they all start to chuckle. Except for Louis. They stare down at me. I quickly get up and run the other direction.

"Yes! We're playing a game!" Harry says.

"The first one to catch Emma get's to punish her." Zayn says. No!!!! Shit! I run as quickly as I can, into a random room and close the door behind me.

I lock it and back away from the door. I hear them running around and laughing. I keep backing away and I bump into something... More like someone. I gulp and feel hands on my waist. I shiver.

There's a slight male chuckle coming from the person behind me. I'm about to scream, but the guy covers my mouth with his rough hand. All you can hear are muffled sounds.

"You should have stayed quiet and not run away." He says close to my ear. It's Liam. I try to get out of his grasp, but it's no use. He's definitely stronger than me.

"Oh, the thing's I'll do to you." He says and quietly laughs in my ear. I try to scream again, but nothing comes out.

"I'll give you the choice.... Number one, you have sex with me.. Number two, we have a threesome.. Or number three we can just take it slow.. And I can touch you everywhere.... Like this," his hand is above my left breast. He slowly moves down. He goes all the way to my waist. He sticks two fingers, at my waist band and slowly tries to take off my pants, but stops.

"Or... You just let me feed on you." My heart beat exhilarates. Why is he doing this? No way in hell, is he getting into my pants!

"Or we can do all of the above.... Yeah, I like the sound of that." He spins me around, but still has his hand over my mouth.

"Don't scream and don't leave this room. I'll be right back." His pupils dilate and the only thing I can do, is stare into his eyes. He takes his hand away from my mouth.

"Okay, I won't scream or leave this room." Fuck! This is insane! I recognize what he did to me. He leaves the room, leaving me alone. I start shaking and I want so badly to start screaming, but I can't. He compelled me. That's what Louis did to me earlier! Probably why I can't leave the house.

He's back in not even seconds.... With Harry, the pervert.

"So, I heard you wanted to do a threesome." He comes closer to me and sweeps my cheek with his hand.

"Let's help you out of all those clothes." Harry says and licks his lips.

"No... Please.." Liam comes closer to me and puts his hands on my waist again.

"This is going to be so much fun." His fangs grow out as he comes closer to my neck. I gasp, as he starts to lick my neck. Harry comes to my other side and starts doing the same. They're tongue feeling odd against my skin.

"Now, babe... I'm going to ask you to not move a muscle." Liam says. I don't move... He compelled me again.

"I'll do it." Harry says out of the blue. I can see Harry's red eyes as he smirks. He starts undressing me.

"This might hurt just a little bit." Liam suddenly whispers to my right ear. He slowly pierces his fangs into my neck and starts sucking. I gasp and tears start to fall down my cheeks, in pain.

Harry is touching me everywhere and I can't close my eyes. Please god, tell me when this is over.

"We're just getting started." Liam stops and flings me to the bed. I crash on the pillows and start panting. They're both looking at me hungrily. I can also feel liquid running down my neck, to my shoulder. My blood.

"Whatever you do... Don't kill her." Liam instructs.

"Alright, I won't." Harry and Liam jump on the bed and both start to kiss my legs. They do it very slowly and I can also feel their fangs on my skin. Please, someone help me!

A sudden knock on the door, snaps them out of it. Oh my god! Thank you! Harry stands up quickly and answers the door. I see Louis standing in the doorway, looking a bit nervous.

"Mind if I join?"

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