Something's Off

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Chapter 7: Something's Off

*Liam's POV*

'Guys, I think it would be better if we left her alone for tonight.' I suddenly hear Louis think to us.

He's drinking from her and she lets out a small moan. I stop and look over at Harry who's wiping his mouth from her blood. Louis is seriously starting to irritate me.

'Louis!' Harry whines. He looks very annoyed. Louis looks over at him, while he continues to drink.

"Get your own girl!" I say angrilly. She's mine. I found her. I picked her. I drank from her first. She is mine.

'Liam let's just go out and leave her alone for today.' Harry thinks to me.

"Fine!" I've lost my patience.

'Just for today!' I run vampire speed, out of the house. Harry quickly follows behind me.

'Can we go to the pub? I need a drink.' Harry thinks.

'Yeah sure. Whatever.' We run as fast as our lives depend on it. We get to the pub in not even seconds.

I get to the sidewalk, near the pub and see two men outside, smoking. They look drunk. Little did they know, they would be dead soon.

'They look good.. And I quite like their jackets.' Harry thinks. I chuckle and walk forward towards them. I put on a fake smile and stop in front of them.

"Hello, can you give us directions to the nearest shoe store?" I randomly ask them. The two men look towards me and start laughing.

"Do you really think I know where the nearest shoe store is mate?" One of them says. Harry eyes the other one.

"Nice jacket, where did you get it?" Harry asks. I look over at him and he clearly looks hungry.

"I don't know." The man starts laughing. Oh I was going to enjoy this.

"Well maybe this will jog your memory." Harry pounces on the man with the jacket he likes.

I turn my attention back to the other guy who looks startled. He starts running for his life, panting in attempt to run fast. I speed walk towards him, as he's so slow. Thanks for being easy.

I jump on his back and I bite into his neck. He screams as he tries to get me off of him. I place a hand over his mouth, suffocating him. While I drink from him, I quickly hide into the shadows. Into an alley.

He tastes bitter, but I don't care. The warm blood is flowing into my system, making my taste buds happy. I'm so hungry. I feel the man go weak in my arms. I continue, until there's nothing left to drink.

When I'm done, I carry the dead guy to the back of the alley and take off his leather jacket. He also had a nice jacket... Its mine now. I put it on and make sure the hood is over my head, so no one can recognize me.

I take out a lighter from my pocket, about to light him on fire when someone jumps me.

*Niall's POV*

She finishes eating the ice cream and gives me the empty bowl. I take it and put it on the side table. Louis looks at her and she smiles. They make me sick.

"Thank's." She says and rubs her eyes with the back of her hands.

"For what?" I ask. Why was she thanking us? We were the one's who got her into this mess. And she wasn't getting out of it.

Louis suddenly looks over at me oddly. He starts studying my face. I quickly block out my thoughts by storing them to the back of my mind.

"Um, for being so nice to me.. For saving me from... Liam." She shivers when she says his name. I just want to laugh. She should be more afraid of me. But we aren't there yet.

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