Where's Harry?

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Chapter 8: Where's Harry?

*Liam's POV*

"Hey what's the deal?" I get up from the ground and look over at Zayn, who is slowly getting up.

"Sorry, I was just running away from someone.. Then I heard you, so I ran over here." What is he talking about?

"Who's running after you?"

"This girl.. She said she wanted to kill me." I walk over to him and look at him in the eyes.

"Well, I guess we better get home then." I say and look away. "And if you don't mind.. I'd like to finish off with what I was doing!" I point to the lifeless body at my feet.

"Right... I'll wait." He leans against the brick wall. I open the lighter and as I was about to throw it to the body, he starts to whistle.

"WILL YOU SHUT IT!?" I yell. He stops and looks away towards the road. I open the lighter and throw it at the dead body.

*Emma's POV*

I get dressed in clothes that Louis gave me. The clothes I had on earlier were ripped up because of Harry and Liam. He handed me a pair of black jogging pants and a tight black t-shirt.

I walk into the living room, dressed in the clothes. I see Louis sitting on the couch, staring at the wall. He looks deep in thought. I skip over to him and sit on his lap.

"Am I disturbing you?" I ask. He stops looking at the wall and looks over at me. His eyes flash. I wonder what that is..

"Nope... Actually I came up with some ideas." He says, putting one of his hands on my back and smiles.

"Oh that's great. What are your ideas?" He clears his throat.

"First off... Who are you going to try to get back first?" I look up at the ceiling and start thinking. Zayn is the oldest one, who turned off his humanity... So he should be last because he won't be too easy.... Maybe Harry?... But he's the second oldest....

"Liam?... He is the youngest to have turned off his humanity... Maybe it'll be easier to win him back?" Even though I'm really terrified of Liam. There has to be a way to get his humanity back.

"Yeah, I think he's the right one to start with. He used to be the most sensitive one. Let's see...." He starts to think. I look at him and he looks at me.

"I have the most craziest idea... I don't think it'll work though... It's also far too dangerous and-" I put my hand over his mouth to silence him.

"Tell me anyway." I remove my hand from his mouth. He bites his lip then shrugs.

"Alright.... Maybe if you tried to become really good friends with him. Be best friends?..." He suggests. What a crazy idea... It might just work...

"I like that idea... But the thing is, whenever I'm around him, he wants to kill me. Let's not forget he's the one who kidnapped me, violated me, feed on me first and didn't give a flying fuck about me and-" This time it was Louis' turn to put his hand over my mouth. He has this sad look on his face.

"I am really sorry..." He slowly removes his hand.

"It's okay... It's not your fault." I almost lost it there for a second. I need to calm down. Even if this is a crazy situation, I have to remain calm. He comes closer to me and kisses my forehead, while rubbing my back in tiny circle motions.

"He really used to be the nicest guy.." He whispers. I'm about to say something, when the door from the front entrance flies open. Zayn and Liam come barging in and close the door quickly. I get off from Louis' lap and sit next to him. They seem to be out of breath.

Liam turns towards the living room, with Zayn walking behind. They both take a seat on the sofa's. Liam covers his face with his hands and sighs.

"What's got your knickers in a twist?" Louis asks and Liam looks up from his hands. He has an evil glint in his eyes.

"Try being chased by a crazy women!... Then tell me!" He yells and then looks at me. He only stares, with a blank expression on his face. I look away.

"Do you know who?" Louis asks.

"Nope... Just that it's a women and that she wants to kill us." Zayn answers.

"And I think she's a witch..." Liam adds, still looking at me.

"What makes you think that?" Louis asks curiously. He sits up and places a hand on my lap.

"Well she didn't smell human... And she was throwing fire balls out of her hands at us... And at one point she kind of gave up. Thank god we were near the house already." Zayn says. I could see Liam's face from the corner of my eye and he looks puzzled.

"That's strange... Why would a witch want to kill you... And since when do they exist!?" Louis looks confused.

"That... Is a very good question.." Liam answers.

They don't sound evil at the moment... If I wasn't so terrified I'd ask a bunch of questions... But I am terrified, so that's out of the question.

"What do you suppose we do?" Louis asks.

"We need to leave the house... She probably already knows where we live!" Zayn sighs, looking back at the door.

"Yeah.. I think we should leave. I wouldn't want anything to happen to Emma." Liam says with sarcasm. Like he doesn't give a damn. Instead of getting mad at him, I decide to do something different. Make him confused. I start laughing. Why am I laughing!? This is no time for laughing!


I stop laughing and clear my throat.

"That wasn't suppose to be funny..." Liam says darkly.

"Well I laughed anyway." I say back at him. One of his eyebrows go up and he looks at me oddly again.

If I'm going to get him back, I need to be as friendly as I can with him. I can do this!

"Anyways... Have you seen Harry?" Liam changes the subject, looking at Louis.

"Nope... Not since he left with you." Louis answers and Zayn suddenly looks worried. Zayn is worried!?

"Try calling him.." I suggest. Louis nods and takes out his phone from his pocket. He dials Harry's number and waits.

"It went straight to voice mail." Louis says, putting his phone back in his pocket.

"He's been captured...." Zayn and Liam say at the same time. Not creepy at all.

*Niall's POV*

"I'm here!" I announce when I walk into the dark house. One light goes on and I see him. He's tied up in chains. Just like we planned.

"Well hello there Niall." I hear an angelic voice say.

I turn around and see her. My partner. She smiles at me and jumps into my arms. She crashes her pink lips to mine and starts kissing me. Eventually, the kiss is deepened and it grows more hungrier. I lick her bottom lip, wanting access to her delicious mouth and tongue. She grants it and let's me explore her mouth.

A few more minutes pass and we stop. She looks at me, with her beautiful gold eyes. Her blonde hair, flowing down to her waist.

"I missed you too." She grins and pecks my lips. I let her go and walk slowly up to the tied up lad. I grin and start to laugh.

"Well, well... Look who we have here." He looks at me with shocked eyes. His mouth is covered by a black cloth. He struggles, trying to get out of the chains. "That won't do anything... You're trapped." I laugh.

"Now all we need is the others, and then we can finally end the vampire species." Ebony says. I'm quite excited myself. When they're dead, it'll finally be over.

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