Can We Start It All Over Again?

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Chapter 4: Can We Start It All Over Again?

*Louis' POV*

Man that felt good. It wasn't all bad. She did seem to enjoy it.

I walk towards the living room and block my thoughts. It's something I've learned these past few years and it comes in handy. Truth is, I didn't do anything with Emma. I just compelled her to make noises, since Liam would hear.

"Satisfied are we?" Liam asks me. He was lounging on the sofa, looking through his phone.

"Yes..." I bite my lip.

"Well that's great. The lads should be here shortly."

"Alright." I take a seat on the single sofa near the fire place.

"She asleep?" Liam asks, to break the silence. We used to be able to talk about nothing and everything. Nowadays, it's always awkward between us. I wish it could go back to the way it was.

"Oh, yeah. I also compelled her to not leave the house or kill us." I add. He nods in approval and puts his phone in his pocket.

"I was thinking... What are we going to do when we start touring?" I ask, talking about Emma. I look over at him, with a puzzled look.

"Compel her I guess?" He says and I nod. I thought so..

The door suddenly swings open and the lads walk in. My best mates.....

"Hey Louis. Liam." Harry says, and takes a seat next to Liam.

"Hey Hazza!" I say with a smile.

"Don't call me that!" He says aggressively. I frown. They're so different now..

"How was your day?" Zayn asks. Niall walks to the kitchen and puts down the grocery bags on the counter. Zayn sits down next to Harry.

"Pretty good. Talked with Emma and did stuff." I suddenly smell food coming from the kitchen. It smells really good. I look at the boys. They're all on their phones. I guess that was as much as we were going to say to each other.

I get up and walk into the kitchen. I see Niall making pasta. I stand next to him and he slowly looks up at me.

"Yes?" He asks.

"You're making pasta for Emma?" I look at him.

"Oh, her name is Emma?" He asks and smiles. "That's a cute name."

"Need any help?" I ask. I'm bored anyway.

"Sure, cook the sauce. It's in one of the bags." I turn around and look through the bags until I find a jar of spaghetti sauce.

Niall is the only one left... Who is like me. Who still has his emotions. But I sense that he's losing it day after day.

"So, you had sex with her. Did you enjoy it?" Niall suddenly breaks the silence, while I stir the sauce.

"Yes I did..." He gives me a knowing look. He knew I didn't. Even if my thoughts were blocked from him, he still knew.

"Ah... I'm quite excited to do so myself." I stop stirring and slowly look over at him. What!? Is he serious? He takes out a pasta plate and places the noodles inside. He then looks at me and smirks.

"What? You thought you were going to be the only one to do it to her?" I turn towards him and give him a look. He doesn't get that I didn't do it?

"Yeah, actually..." I give him a death glare.

"Well too bad... She's not yours." He turns towards the stove and puts his finger in the sauce.

'It's warm enough.' He thinks. He puts the sauce on the pasta.

"I'll bring it to her." I say. He turns towards me and shakes his head.

"No, I will. You've talked to her enough today.. It's my turn." He picks up the plate and turns around.

I hate him..

*Niall's POV*

I open the door slowly and see her sleeping under the covers. I close the door behind me and sit on the chair, next to the bed. She stirs and faces me. Her eyes slowly open and she stares. I notice that she's trying to figure out who I am.

"I'm Niall." I say. She sits up and looks a little scared. "Don't worry.. I'm not going to hurt you." I want to get her on my side. I'm going to get her against Louis, if that is the last thing I do.

"You're the one who bit my neck." She puts her hand to her neck. I see the wound beginning to heal. I definitely did that.

"Yeah... Sorry about that. I was hungry." I say, being honest. She nods, but still seems to be hesistant with me. I'll change that. "I made you pasta." I hand her the plate. She looks down at it.

"Oh.. Thanks." She takes the plate and stares at it.

"You're not hungry?" I ask her, confused.

"Maybe, a fork would help?" I quickly turn around, to see Louis at the door with a fork in his hand. Emma looks at him and blushes.

"Here you go." He places it on her lap. He gives her a smile and leaves, noticing my glare. I roll my eyes and look back at her.

"So... How are you?" She picks up the fork and starts eating the food.


"Where are you sore?" I ask, even if I don't care.

"My whole body.. Everywhere you guy's bit me. It still hurts." She says, a single tear falling down her face. I wipe the tear from her cheek. She looks up at me and starts to sob. I come closer to her and wrap my arms around her. She doesn't flinch or anything, she just leans against my chest and continues to cry.

"Hey... Tell me about yourself. Where do you live? Do you have any brothers or sisters?" I ask her, to try to make her stop crying. She still stays in the same position.

"I'm an orphan... I don't really live anywhere... I'm alone." She says. Perfect. No one will be looking for her then.

"I'm sorry." I say, not meaning it. She sits up and looks at me in the eyes.

"It's fine..." She wraps herself with the covers and looks down. She shivers.

"Are you cold?" I ask.

"Y-Yes." She stutters.

"I'll get you something to wear." I say, while getting up. She grabs a hold of my wrist, as I do so. I look down at her."What is it?" She just stares at me for a few seconds.

"Can I come with you?... I kind of want to walk... I-If that's o-okay." She stutters. She looks so nervous, it seems like she's scared I'm going to do something bad to her.

"Yeah of course." She lets go of my wrist and I help her out of bed. I notice she's still only wearing her undergarments. No wonder she's so cold.

"Thanks Niall." I look down at her and she sticks to my side, while I wrap an arm around her bare shoulders.

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