Don't Over Think Just Let It Go

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Chapter 26: Don't Over Think, Just Let It Go

*Emma's POV*

You know the typical, tie the victim to the chair thing? Yeah, well that's my situation right now. She placed me in an empty room, with plain white walls and a table. I'm honestly pretty bored, but afraid for my kids. I don't want them to get hurt. I'd do anything to keep them safe, which means keeping myself safe. I'm a vampire for god sakes! It shouldn't be that hard!

Morana comes in, with a kettle full of this substance that doesn't smell familiar. Though it's the same smell as before, when I was on the sofa.

"What's that?" I ask, out of curiosity. I don't want to sound scared, so I try being brave instead and pretend that this is all normal. When I know it absolutely isn't normal. All this supernatural crap, is really confusing me. I thought that Vampires and Witches didn't exist.. Until the boys showed up in my life.

"Just this deadly poison I'm working on." She says. What the hell? That's just lovely. Why is she making a poison?

"Oh.. That's great. And who's it for?"

"You." She says, while mixing more ingredients in.

"Well that's great... Will it taste awful? Or did you make it taste good?" I ask, she looks up at me annoyed.

"I suggest you shut up." I know I'm annoying her, but I don't care.

"I don't want too because if I'm going to die, I'd like to use up my voice, you know?" She rolls her eyes and they turn black. Ah shit, I've angered her.

"You better shut the fuck up, or I'll cut your vocal chords out!... Not like I'm going to need to because this poison will surely do that!" She yells at the top of her lungs, spitting in the process. My god... I'll shut up. She turns back to her ingredient mixing. I look around the room. This is so boring... The worst part of it all, is that I can easily break free from these chains..... Should I?

'I think you should just wait for daddy.' I hear my sons voice say.

'Yeah... I know. Where is he anyway?' I'm not even sure who specifically is coming to save me. I'm getting tired of being the one who always gets saved. I'm going to save myself.

'Mommy, that's a bad idea!' I don't listen to him.

I close my eyes and I use every muscle possible from my arms, to break the chains around my body. At the same time I do the same thing with my legs. I'm up in an instant. Morana doesn't even have time to turn around to cast a spell. I'm already behind her and I jump at her. She's shocked and I smirk. She hits the floor hard, and I'm on top of her.

"Bye bye, ugly evil witch!" I say with venom and snap her neck. Her eyes change to a green color and she's still. I killed her. I get up and just stare at the body. It soon becomes dust and she's gone. Finally! I can go back home now.

'Mommy.. They're here.' I turn around and walk towards the front door. I hear them running from outside.

The door bursts open and I back up a little. The first face I see is Louis. His eyes look around the room and then they land on me. He runs and hugs me.

"Oh my god, are you okay!? Are you hurt?" He asks, looking at me all over. Liam is behind him and Zayn is walking around the house with Harry and Sabrina. I'm guessing they're looking for Morana.

"I'm great, actually." They walk towards me and look confused.

"Where's the witch?" Zayn asks me.

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