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Laugthers filled the car on their way to the grocery store, both women singing along to the song playing on the radio⸺ neither of them hitting the right note. It was the perfect rock song to brighten up the day and make it even better than it already was.

"I'm so glad they could fix your car. I hated to see the sad look on your face everytime you had to get into my boring ass car", Dawn said jokingly. Mocking Cleo for the unconditional love her friend had for her car was always fun.

"Your car wasn't so bad", Cleo shrugged slightly as a smirk made it's way onto her glowing face. "It just wasn't my baby."

"The love you have for your car creeps me out. But then I remember that Tig is my dad. There shouldn't be much that creeps me out", Dawn let out a laugh.

"So the guys can love their bikes like it's their child but I can't love my car or what?", Cleo countered, smirking.

Thanks to the guys, she was able to pick her car up only a few minutes ago at TM. After the accident they had told her it was impossible to save it, little did she know that's exactly what they did behind her back to surprise her with it almost a year later.

Lyla gave her a call and told her there was an emergency at the clubhouse. The woman's acting skills were so good that the blonde easily could've become an actress in the past instead of a porn star.

Of course there hadn't been an emergency, everything was fine. They just got Lyla and Dawn involved in the surprise since the two women were able to pull it off better.

"You can love whatever you want", the Trager woman rolled her eyes in amusement, taking a good look at her friend who happily sat in the driver's seat with her eyes fixed on the road. Dawn took in Cleo's features and the glowing skin, the constant smile on her face and the overall change for the better.

Cleo deserved this kind of happiness after all the shit she and Jax went through. The loss of their baby, Gemma's and Tara's betrayal, the shit show with Cleo's dad. No wonder her best friend had a hard time putting on a smile. But now it was much easier for Cleo to laugh again. Since getting pregnant and moving in with Jax, it seemed like a huge load had been lifted from her shoulders.

"Pregnancy suits you, baby, you're glowing", Dawn stated matter of factly, a sincere smile hushed over her face.

At the red light, Cleo turned her attention to Dawn and smiled gratefully, appreciating her best friend's words.

"Thank you, Dawn." A moment of silence filled the car. Cleo's mouth opened a few times but the words just didn't come out. Only when Dawn put a hand over one of hers with a sympathetic look Cleo found the right words.

"You know, I never thought I'd be ready to try for another baby. I was too afraid we could lose it again even with Gemma and Tara gone", the brunette sighed softly, gently running a hand over the clearly visible baby bump. "But then I found out I'm pregnant again and I was just so grateful and happy about it. Yet a part of me feels bad though."

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