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While the loud music kept most people up and dancing, Cleo got four ibuprofen pills out of the little pill box she was always carrying with her, crushed them and made two straight lines with her ID card only to snorted both lines all by herself

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While the loud music kept most people up and dancing, Cleo got four ibuprofen pills out of the little pill box she was always carrying with her, crushed them and made two straight lines with her ID card only to snorted both lines all by herself.

She was aware of her serious addiction. The moment the pills didn't make her feel as good anymore by only swallowing them a few years back, she started snorting them. The young woman needed a bigger dose every few weeks and sometimes it scared her how addicted she actually was. People always underestimated the power simple pain killers can have over someone.

But she had learned from the best; her dad. His way of dealing with problems and hard life choices was numbing himself with drugs. Cleo was numb enough already, she did the drugs only to feel something. It was scary how something this dangerous could make someone feel so much better.

The bad influence her own father had on her was just as dangerous. Good thing was her mother had no idea what Cleo had already seen in her life while she was with him on the weekends. He had always bribed the little girl to never say a word to her mother about the parties, the drugs and fights.

He tried the same with Enrico, her brother, but he wasn't so easy to manipulate as Cleo was when she was still a child and was about to tell their mother, yet their father managed to convince Enrico with some bullshit talking to keep his mouth shut, telling him he would only worry their mother even more than she already was and it would be his fault then. That's how he managed to keep Enrico quiet.

Once her brother turned eighteen, he never went back to their father's house for years but Cleo did, even after she turned eighteen. During the weekends with him she didn't need to be careful if anyone would catch her snorting a line of crushed pills. Her father even shared his own drugs with her.

The first time she had tried Meth, she felt like she was dying. After that she had never touched it again; but cocaine was something amazing in her eyes. It helped even better than the pills but she couldn't risk snorting the drug during the week because it made her much more tired and she wouldn't be able to get up for work and keep her addiction from her mother.

"Cleo!" The angry voice of her brother caused her to open her eyes. After the pills kicked in she had leaned back and enjoyed the amazing effect they had on her. Her muscles relaxed and her thoughts grew quiet. The only thing she could hear was the loud music blasting through the nightclub.

"What ?", she groaned at her brother, reaching for the cocktail mix on her table but Enrico took it away before she could take a sip. "What the hell is your problem?!"

"Your damn eyes were closed. What if anyone put something in your drink, hm?" His anger grew as he looked into her bloodshot, glassy eyes. He knew he was slowly loosing her. Cleo became more distant over the past few months and it worried him. He blamed the drugs for it and he hated that she was slowly becoming like their father.

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