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With two cold bottles of beer in his hand, Jax sat down next to Enrico, who was sitting in the garden smoking a cigarette, his eyes on the children's playset. However, he looked beside himself as Jax sat down next to him and handed him a beer, which he took with a quick nod.

"What's on your mind?" Jax asked, noticing his friend's thoughtful look that couldn't be missed. Plus, Enrico sat out here since good twenty minutes now.

"What are you up to, Jax? I know you had a plan after Gemma is gone. What happens now?" Enrico frowned, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "Cleo doesn't need any more drama."

Jax heaved a sigh and nodded in agreement. Enrico was right, and he had thought of something that he wanted to talk to him about anyway. Something he wasn't sure if Enrico would be happy about or not. It had now been two weeks since Gemma and Carlos had left this earth and it had been two damn quiet and relaxing weeks. This was something Jax enjoyed more than he thought he would.

"I had a plan and I've already planned the first steps", he began, pausing to take a sip of his beer, rotating the bottle in his hand. "I'm taking a break from the club and I'll take Cleo and our kids out of this town. I put a lot of thought into it and ruminated about this for a long time and came to the conclusion that this is what is best for my family."

With his eyes growing wide, Enrico put his bottle down in the grass and turned around more so he was actually facing Jax. "Taking a break for how long? And where are you taking them?"

"I gave my patch to Chibs this morning. At the moment I have no status in the club but Chibs assured me that I can come back at any time. And I promised him that I would continue to be a part of them, just without the Kutte. Maybe that's what I need." A sad, nostalgic smile tugged at his lips as he thought back to the moment with Chibs and the rest of his brothers this morning and how difficult it was for all of them to finalize and agree to Jax's decision. "And I'm taking them to Utah. There is quite a nice house available in a nice area. School's are great there, I heard."

Enrico had known Jax long enough by now and the friendship between the two men could no longer be destroyed and the Mayan had had the feeling for a long time that Jax wanted out of Charming. So the news didn't really surprise him, which didn't mean it didn't sadden him. However, he had also considered and made a decision quite similar to Jax's.

"Would you mind if we came with you?", he asked after a long silence, a small smirk on his lips as Jax just looked at him in confusion.

"But, what about your club?" The blonde shook his head in confusion, his brows furrowed.

"When I met Dawn I fell in love for the first time", Enrico smiled as he fiddled with the bottle lable. "And as much as I love my club, I want something else. I want a normal life with Dawn, a life without constant danger. She doesn't know about my decision yet but I made my choice. Does Cleo know about your plan?"

Jax couldn't believe that Enrico had actually made almost the same decision as him and was going to part ways with his club. That didn't mean they didn't love their clubs, they did and Jax knew how hard it would be for Enrico to give up his kutte. Just as difficult as it was for himself, but the priorities of both men have changed. That way, Cleo would even have some of her family close by, which would probably help persuade her to come along.

"I mean, that would be great", the blonde replied eagerly. "The women wouldn't have to carry their friendship from afar, and neither would we. The kids would also always have their uncle and aunt nearby and we wouldn't be so alone. But are you sure that you want this? And no, Cleo doesn't know yet."

"I'm sure, thousand percent", Enrico said quickly, no second doubts about this. "Let's just get them out of here and give them the life they deserve. If they want that."

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