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Cleo sat in the kitchen of the Teller house enjoying the silence of the morning, a cup of hot coffee in her hands. They just came back from their little vacation a few hours ago and since the kids were too excited to sleep during the flight, they fell asleep the moment they came home and were still knocked out.

She on the other hand couldn't get much sleep as her mind was racing. The last four weeks in Florida were the most relaxing weeks in a long time and she feared now that they were back things would get complicated again.

There was never a moment when she had seen Jax so relaxed. Here in Charming he was always tense, even though he'd tried to hide it. However, it could also be because since they knew each other there was never really a peaceful moment. First his best friend died, then came the breakup with Tara, the intrigues of his mother and ex-girlfriend. Somehow he had to explain to the children why Gemma and Tara were no longer part of their lives. All these things had haunted him constantly, sucking the life out of him.

In Florida, there was no fear that the next problem was already waiting behind the corner to ruin the day. Jax just managed to stay relaxed and enjoy the time with Cleo and his kids. As many times as Cleo had heard him laugh or seen him smile, it just made her happy. Even her mom had noticed the change in Jax on their vacation.

What if everything that happened in the last half year came back up again now that they were back? The brunette would have preferred to just stay in Florida, knowing that everyone was happy there. But Charming was Jax' home and now hers, too. He was her home and she would follow him everywhere, supporting him in every decision he made and standing behind him.

"Morning babe", his still sleepy, hoarse voice tore her out of her thoughts as he sat down with a cup of freshly poured coffee across from her. A weak but happy smile on his lips as he studied his Old Lady's features. "You okay?"

Unlike her, he had no problems to get some sleep but if he would've known she was awake the whole time, which he could tell by the dark circles under he eyes, he would've stayed awake with her.

Just like her, he deep down wished they could've stayed longer but that wasn't possible. The club needed him and he wasn't going to let his brothers down, not after what his family, or rather his mom and Tara, had done. Jax knew that the whole club had suffered from the constant stress, mainly because Jax was never able to fully concentrate on the club. He owed it to his brothers to be a good, responsible Pres again.

"Yeah, just a little lost in thoughts", she smiled softly while running the tip of her nails over his forearm. "You can get some more sleep if you want. Mom and I aren't going back to the diner until tomorrow so I'm here when the kids wake up."

"What's going on in that pretty mind of yours, darlin'?", he asked curiosily even though he already had an idea what the reason for the sleepless night might be. "Dawn and Lyla still taking care of the diner 'til tomorrow?"

"No, Lyla was needed at Red Woody this week so Dawn's all by herself. Well, with our cook. But Lyla told me that Enrico helps her almost everyday. I hope Tig won't mind that his daughter might date a Mayan soon", the brunette chuckled, amused that Dawn actually managed to get her brother's attention despite only having met briefly a few times before. But what did she expect? She was talking about Dawn here. The woman always got what she wanted.

"I don't think he'll be too happy about it but since it's Enrico, he'll be fine with it", Jax let out a laugh before taking a sip of his coffee, grimacing at the bitter taste.

Cleo just shook her head in amusement when he poured enough sugar into his cup that would be enough for three cups of coffee. Alone the thought of how sweet it must taste now made her scrunch up her nose.

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