Jennie said to Jonathan: “Jonathan, father has decreed for all men to ride on horseback to the hunting grounds. I know that it’s tough for you, but you must persevere to the end, understand?”

“You can rest assured, sister. I am only here to see you while there is a break, and will leave right now.”

“Mm.” Jennie corrected Jonathan's appearance for him, then she escorted him with her eyes from the carriage compartment.

Once Jonathan had left, Jennie could not help but part the carriage’s window drapes to watch Jonathan's small figure gradually walk away.

She thought back to her own mother.

An ache flowed through her heart: Mother, Jonathan has grown up. Can you see it from up there? You don’t have to worry. I will do everything in my power to protect him and ensure him a life of peace and well-being


Charles gave the order an hour later, and the procession continued its journey once again.

A short while later, Kaizen snuck into Jennie's carriage again.

Jennie looked at Kaizen as she said: “Jonathan is still young. If there is anything unsatisfactory with his etiquette, may you allow some understanding.”

Kaizen settled down next to Jennie, then he looked fondly as he said gently: “Your Highness is being too strict. In the official sense, he is the Crown Prince and the heir of the kingdom, while I am a mere son of an official; in the private sense, his Majesty has already set the engagement, so he is my brother-in-law. How could I possibly mind something so trivial.”

Hearing Kaizen's words, Jennie gave a faint smile towards him. She did not speak.

The hunting procession travelled formidably for three entire days before they finally arrived at the royal family’s hunting grounds.

It was just the season where flowers were falling like snow.

The game in this hunting ground was at their fattest and firmest; it was perfect for a hunt.

Victor, Jacob, and Joshua had changed into hunting clothes.

They had been waiting respectfully in the hunting grounds for a long time.

Once Charles' imperial carriage came within sight, the three Dukes stood up orderly at once.

The carriage stopped before them, then the three of them kneeled on the ground at once: “This son welcome father!”

Charles descended the carriage with the stewarding eunuch’s support, then he waved his hand towards the three: “You may all rise!”

“Thanks, father.”

Jonathan walked with Jennie behind Charles.

Once the three Dukes saw Jonathan, they gave him a courtesy for monarchs at once.

Jonathan returned it with a courtesy of brothers.

“Mother, please be careful!” Jennie turned back to look towards that abrupt voice.

Seeing that Bobby was helping Charlotte down the carriage, Jennie smiled faintly, then she turned her head back.

Following that was the exchange of greetings between members of the royalty and the other aristocratic sons, along with the three Dukes, which needed no further elaboration.

Since it was already nearing nighttime when they arrived, Charles ordered everyone to rest for the day.

They will officially begin the hunt tomorrow…

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