Haruto acted according to Lisa's request. He gave out the snacks they bought along the way to everyone in the residence.

But when he reached Gloria, Haruto's expression turned sour immediately.

He shoved the dumplings and donuts to Gloria's hands in a manner as if he was forced against his will. He even added in a cold snort.

Gloria was widowed.

She had become a servant without other options, but she had still signed a hiring contract and not a property contract in the end.

Additionally, she wasn’t that young, so how could she accept such a treatment from this small brat?

She set aside the sugar dumplings and donuts on the table to stick her hands on her waist as she howled: “Haruto, what’s with that manner of yours?”

Hearing such an arrogant manner of speaking from this ‘traitor’, Haruto became fired-up too.

He tossed the remaining snacks on the table, rolled up his sleeves, then he pointed at Gloria as he shouted: “You eat in the residence, you drink in the residence, and all you do every day is to cook three meals. The silver you get isn't few either, but you would still dare to go around gossiping about our master! You sure have a lot of shame to eat, but I have none to give!”

Gloria choked when she heard this string of accusations from Haruto.

Her face swelled red at once, and tears filled up her eyes: “Haruto, explain this clearly. When have I ever done such a shameless thing? When did I offend the residence?”

Haruto did feel a bit bad to see Gloria like this.

In all honesty, he had not fully heard the gossip between those two housewives, he had only caught the words ‘auntie Gloria’, ‘hard to cure’ and ‘refusing to get checked’.

He connected the dots on the way back; there must have been a mole in the residence.

Gloria's intense reaction gave Haruto some pause, but he still pressed on: “Hmph, you should know just what kind of rotten words you’ve chewed on before!”

With that said, Haruto turned around to leave.

But he was hauled back by Gloria, who fumed: “What nonsense are you spouting, you little brat! If you don’t explain things clearly today, I won’t be done with you!”

“What’s with the pulling, don’t you not have any concerns?”

Haruto tried to break free from Gloria's grip as he said that. However, she was quite strong.

Haruto tried to shake her away many times without success.

Gloria's face flickered between red and white when she heard this from Haruto.

In the end, she kept one hand locked onto Haruto's arm while she swung her other fan-sized hand towards the top of Haruto's head: “You little bastard, I'm gonna hit you to death! You dare say that this auntie is shameless? This auntie’s age is way over your mothers, I’ll hit you to death if you don’t explain yourself today!”

Seeing that Gloria was really making a move, Haruto panicked at once. He dodged while he yelled.

In the end, he successfully attracted the attention of Joy and Suga who were not very far away.

Following the noise, the two of them entered the kitchen to see that Gloria was slapping at Haruto's head.

They pulled them away in a hurry, then Suga berated: “What are you two doing? Have you no regard for order?”

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