"Help Me" (NM X Reader Hurt/Comfort)

Start from the beginning

It was several minuets before Narcissa was able to take back control of her emotions, sitting up and swiping her hands over her cheeks to rid them of the tears. I watched her sadly, wanting to know what had caused this sudden burst of depression from the usually cool, collected matriarch.

I laid one hand on her knee, squeezing it as an act of comfort as I tried to catch her eye. "Love, what happened?" I tried again, softer this time.

"I-uh." Narcissa started, voice thick with tears as she tried to form a coherent thought. "I just- started thinking. I got in my head. My thoughts started running and I couldn't stop them. I didn't mean to.." she trailed off, shaking her head as she refused to meet my eye.

"Hey, don't. You needed me. The stone wouldn't have summoned me if you didn't. Don't ever apologize for needing me Cissy." My fingers gently cupped her chin, bringing her head up so I could look her in the eye. "I will always come when you need me."

Narcissa's lip began to quiver again, the older witch falling into me once more except this time she wasn't actively crying. She took in a shaky breath as she hugged me, once again tucking her face into the crook of my neck for both comfort and safety.

We sat there like that for another few minuets, neither of us speaking, just simply being. My cleared mind wandered to what could possibly be happening at the school and if they were looking for me yet. My father was going to kill me. He didn't know about the stone or Narcissa.

Nevertheless, I didn't care. My soulmate needed me and that was what mattered right now. I would stay here as long as she needed me to.

"You need to get back." Narcissa finally spoke, voice still full of pain. The other woman pulled back, sitting upright next to me and meeting my eyes, the same sadness coating her voice making her normally warm brown eyes dull.

"I'll go soon." I assured her, both knowing I wouldn't until I was good and ready.

"You'll be in trouble. I shouldn't-" I cut her off, placing my hands on her shoulders and turning her to face me.

"I will deal with it Cissy. I will deal with whatever they throw at me. You are so much more important to me than what anyone at that place thinks. Ok?" I gave her a look that said, 'nothing you can say or do will drag me away from you right now.'

Narcissa finally released a sigh of resignation, thinning her lips as her body sagged under the weight of my hands. "I love you y/n." She whispered, almost inaudibly.

My lips quirked up in a crooked smile, tilting my head as I gazed up at her lovingly. "I love you more." I responded just as quietly, each of us losing ourselves in the other's gaze.

I pulled Narcissa into a warm hug, the older witch reciprocating the act as we both fought individual wars raiding their way through our minds.


I skittered through the shadows of the school grounds, hoping the barely darkening skies would hide me from any watchful eyes. I was sure the wards had told the headmaster I had returned to the property but I would deal with that when the time came, for now, I just needed to make it back to my common room.

I tried to appear as nonchalant as possible once inside the school, students bustling around and chatting idly on their way to dinner. I knew my appearance was a tad bit suspicious to anyone who happened to pay attention with my mussed hair, sweaty skin, and disheveled robes from running so much in the last hour.

Thankfully though the majority of students I encountered were Gryffindors, not known for their astute observation skills. I very nearly made it to my common room, only being two corridors away from safety when I was instantly stopped in my tracks.

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