Chapter 45 Greetings

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What is a twerk? Carter asks " It's a dance move I can't use in front of the cubs,  it's too sexy!" He grins What is a strip club ? Sesshomarou asks  " Cubs go outside and play !" They scamper off to the yard " A place that women ,and  men dance sexy and get paid to take it all off!"   But I won't be doing those jobs unless it helps us! I smile at they look not so happy " Hey nobody at that club would remember me , I look too young they will assume I'm a relative or doppelganger!" I kissed Sesshomarou " I will be the stripper if need be! That won't be necessary love, remember we will be hunting colossals and the cub will be educated here as well ,we will have to check on Lanze in a couple days!" My Shuu captured my lips " Oh by the way where is the one who  stabbed me?" I ask.
Locked up until we get back Jaken will guard ! Toga rubs my back. I nod. " Let's eat!" We sat together Yoshi pulled me into his lap while we ate, there was a knock at the door,  " Aunt  Jess!" Hey I see you have a friend and  my little nephew who's gotten so big come in! The's guy is goth but funny as shit ,somehow he still thinks  Aspen in a cosplayer after shifting to big snake.  Looking at my nephew " How old are you now ? " sixteen Aunt Jess , I smiled " Hey Paw Paw said you know a dragon!" Yes he is one of your Uncles but to be more specific  he is a longma! " Can I meet him?" Yes but right now he is incubating your cousins so he isn't here! He frowns " I will take you both !" Inari is that okay? I ask as He nods. We will be back later  Montana! I say as she grins Inari's cloud hovers as we sat on , my nephew was excited " Don't jump off!" I say and he was in aww of everything we landed Inari took my hand " Don't run in Waylon let us go first! " Okay " as we walk in " Red" he sits up shifting to his half form " How are our eggs? He kissed my cheek  growing well mate He lifts slightly so I can see " There so big ! I cooed " This is my nephew " Hey!" Red nods, walk further back " Seth" I heard a growl in the other room I ran over to hug him as he purrs . " This is my nephew he wanted to meet you! He shifts covering the eggs "This is cool man nobody would believe my Uncle is a longma!" I hug Seth " I missed you , I captured his lips as he held me west next to the eggs as I sang  lullabies to them Seth shifts once for  Waylon he smiles  I walk back over to Red as he pulled me into his coils I learned into his embrace " Inari told me,we will be okay mate! He nuzzled me. I sang lullabies to our eggs too and Inari flew us back . Going in the house,  I see something  I whistle " Work it sexy!" They had a dance off for  shifts and  giggles while the cubs are asleep then I remember " Oh Kohaku you need to learn to dance , " Ellis let's show him!" My Momma  played  " Do you love me ?   Let's do some Dirty  Dancing.. she chanted . Momma and Daddy did too " Come here Kohaku!" I showed him " This is your part , now you take the lead ! " Surprised this kids got the rhythm.  " Your going to do great at the prom ! I say we might have to crash it and have fun too . " Hell yeah goth said! Everyone had a turn Dirty  Dancing " Now how about that twerk thing? Toga said Montana laughed "I'll do it if you will one time!" Me too goth joined " all the dudes had boners , that night " Let's just say was quite the workout for  Shuu , and Toga we slept good all night , when I woke the next morning I walk outside with my cup of Joe,  " Greetings human female!" I look taking a look is he a fucking  Yaujta? " Hello  I am Jessica!"

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