Chapter 103 See Ya 18+

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By the time " Whoa " was said Waylon walks over with a few of his friends from school, Mary came over and sat with Rin ,Sybil and Jade, as well as my girls with Harvey, Inuyasha, Sesshomarou,Seth, Ginta,Dylan , and Lanze the boys go talk with Waylon his friends from school, also Arlo, and Jack! " You girls can sit with them if you want too!"

They both did as Jeremy flipped the chicken on the grill. Awhile later we all sat to eat Wade pulled me into his lap as I fed him a piece of chicken " Now let me feed you!" Ellis, Koga,and Miroku talk about the past goings on this year with Jeremy and he says " I am happy you all made it back!" I smiled I look at my niece she has Lawrence and one of Wade's clansmen interested as I hear her calling a friend I smiled , the other two are watching me I shook my head I thought " Maybe go to town for a stroll then to the river!"

Later on I hug " Montana he's nice isn't he , yeah " keep him for me and you!" I think I will these four are available you can have them if you want or get some good girls looking to settle down not players!" What happened to goth boy? " He um one of those weapons! " I'm sorry I couldn't be here to save him I was asleep for a year they poisoned me!" These beastmen may not have money from here but they can get you pearls , emeralds, put food on the table also remember there a deal when they work here the organization pays them! I say " I had forgotten about that! " I figured you had Montana!" So give Wade's clansmen a chance too they are strong like Lawrence at least pick one ! " You should visit the castle with Waylon over the school break!
The kids went home Al took his students home "Anna you need help in the kitchen?" Yeah sis just get the dishes! I did and got all the cups and paper plates. I hug Jeremy and Anna " Thank you for having us over for dinner!" Stay alive this time sister! Jeremy said with tears " I'm sure as heck going to try! I giggled. Tomorrow why don't we all go to town then go to the river? I suggested looking at my mates " We're going! Anna chirped " Us too !" I see Montana has Lawrence and one of the four mer I smiled.

We went to the farm house and got the cubs to bed I hug my Momma " Good night!" We went to my room I summon a few mattresses then I walk to the living room and make beds for Wade's clansmen " Can we talk to you?" Sure! I sat "We like her but we want you!" Listen I do like you all but I can't be selfish tomorrow there will be lots of females on the river if they aren't interested I'll accept you all! " Also I care about your feelings I just want to help the clans understand that inbreeding causes infertility and other stuff , I mean to have more female cubs you have to breed a bigger gene pool!" I surprised them with a hug! " Good night!" They smiled.

As I get to the room I strip with a grin I crawl in the bed between Wade and Carter the others look at me with a smirk and grin " What can't I sleep naked?" I grin and giggle " Hmm such a tease !" Toga said with a chuckle " Yeah but this tease loves all of you!" I smile I kiss each of them goodnight as I lay down to sleep they had petty fingers all night I grin knowing I deserved it I giggled in my mind as I slept all night.

The next morning I awoke to a kiss on my forehead I opened my eyes Carter smiled  I look around "  Your mother gave them chores!" I giggled . " I suppose the cubs are all outside too!" Carter nuzzled my neck I moan he caressed my thighs as I capture his lips passionately I feel the tip teasing my entrance as we flipped I lowered onto him as he growls low we moan into our kisses as I rocked on his length his claws gently trace my back we flip as I tightened around him panting we picked up the pace he throbbed as he thrusts hard a few times we came together we rested in each other's arms.

I hear a vibrating in my dresser drawer I check answering my phone " Hey Walters how have you been?" Let's meet at the river my daughters are coming too !  " Cool see ya there!"

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