Chapter 19 Visitor

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I awoke the that evening, getting myself up I made my way to the bath I soaked in epsom salt for awhile I could get a emerald but I'm not sure how many we have, I got out drying myself getting a pad, t shirt and shorts and made my way down to all the cubs I smiled my Momma had the Rin and Sybil going through old diaper shirts the pups were all passed around with smiles the boys were planning there play dates with the pups there Granny gave them chores " I had chores and a paying jobs to do too!" I told them , That might be too much culture shock Jessica! Kagome laughed, "I agree nodding " I turn on the television flipping through the channels we got to music videos I got some amused and awe struck looks from the cubs , Miroku blushed at the twerk dancing he saw the snippets from top 100 and Shippo blushed but then laughed at the car fox commercial ,I giggled, then Sango saw some of the female stars on there and Kagome talked about her favorite musicians ,this brought back nostalgia for me so I got the key ring and opened the door sitting at the piano I bean to play " Moonlight Sonata" ," Turkish March", "Brahms Dance" , " Beleiver"," Boulevard of Broken Dreams" Taking a break I realize I have an audience. I giggled " What is this thing? Shippo asked, A piano a musical instrument! I said ,Do you play the guitar?" Kagome asked, "Yes" I played " Thunderstruck" well that was fun ! I say with a giggle , I was captured in a hug " I missed you Aunt!" I missed you all too ! " Daddy is cooking crawfish!" Yay ,sounds great so "Did Jeremy wear is loose pants?" I laughed "Yeap he is ready to get stuffed!" Niece your a mess ! I laughed and introduced her to everyone, then I had an idea " QingQing" " Kagome " Do you two like karaoke? I grinned, It sounds like fun? They reply with a nod ,Sango looked " I'll try!" Great I'll get the speakers and microphones after plugging them up outside I hold my pups as they nuzzled me sitting in the rocking chair, my Momma sat next to me holding my two newest girls " Here's a towel!" I will feed them while we sit then!" I smiled kissing each of them " I need to get a breast pump ,that way you all can have a turn!" I have an old one ! Okay ! I said smiling " I missed you all, I did what I had to to survive!" I know and I'm glad that you all are okay! I nod " Everything changed in the monogamy of normal here " Yes definitely but at least they are strong and can fight for us I have a feeling something might happen but I know " Al said Diety was coming to see me, then I had a dream and then birthed the babies today!" So the question is when is he coming? " He said his identity was a surprise so ! I trailed off into thoughts as I fed another pup ,I look around Jeremy is visiting boiling crawfish while Kogas men are watching him and sniffing the spice sneezing and rubbing there noses it was like watching loony tunes .I giggled and then there was a bright light !

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