Chapter 98 Training

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" Petal are you alone here?"  No, I came with Lord Suzaku! " You walked into the party like you were walking onto a yacht your hat strategically dipped below one eye your scarf it was apricot  you had one eye in the mirror as you watched yourself gavotte  and all the girls dreamed that they'd be your partner your so vain"  I look at the little girl  " Think about that song in reverse terms in the future when you find a mate don't be vain or self absorbed! " I smile you want one more song for fun? " She nodded.  " I've never seen a diamond in the  flesh I cut my teeth on wedding rings in the movies  and I'm not proud of my address in a torn up town no postcode envy my friends and I  we've cracked the code .We count our dollars on the train to the party  and everyone knows we're  fine with this we didn't come from money." This one means be happy with who you are and if you don't have it dream you do ! She smiles.

I stopped singing to see the beastmen were blushing as they listened I laughed " You all want one more?" Ryura, Max ,and  Shuu nod as " Yes please " Petal chirps  " Watching every motion in my foolish lovers game.  On this endless ocean finally lovers know  no shame. Turning and returning to some secret place inside.  Watching in slow motion as you turn around and say take my breath away!"  I summon a coke from my bag and sip it " Nice to meet you Petal!" She smiles . Can you sing again tomorrow? " Aww I think if you practice you'll have a beautiful voice too! " Ehh I just like yours ! I laugh maybe I had some things to be but if not tomorrow come again okay sweet! 

I stood " Inuyasha!" I kissed him as he returns it happily.  " Is Inari close by?" Yes I heard you want to go see  Zoe and Shania!  " I do but I'd also like to arrange and visit the farm!" He grins.  I turn Max went back to the fields, Ryura flew off  Shuu went off " What are they doing?"  Going to Camel Hump let's talk to Inari! Inuyasha grins as I climb on his back I kiss his cheek as he runs ahead I kissed his neck teasingly " Jessica he stops he looks hungrily later we go to our hut!" I kiss him. Of course my love! He ran again as we reach the Leopard castle I see Inari there speaking with the majesties,  Carter they look to be settling a argument from this distance we walk in and sit to the side her majesty smiled ,gesturing me to come over so I did "How are you dear?" I feel much better I think I will always have pains in my side from time to time !" I say " How have you been doing your majesty? I ask. " Dear I'm just pleased you are awake now!" Me to Diety woke me ! I missed everyone so much! She hugs me.

Dear may I ask what is it like? I took a breathin thoughts " It hurt bad at first I knew everyone worried and cried I fell into darkness as I wander around listening to all your voices,I wanted to move but my body wouldn't a voice told me go back  my children need you so I stayed in the dark midst until I could move!"  Then John and Sybil were the first to see me I was hurt that I lost the cubs but I have another chance to live and help everyone!  I look over " Your Majesty don't cry!"

" I am happy I'm back with all of you!" Yes but you were so lonely! She held my hand  " I was but my ancestor must believe in me " Her Majesty smiled.  A stone hit my arm and cut it " What the heck who did that?"  You thing you hurt mother! A wolf cub I look at his mother " How could I possibly have hurt your mother I just woke two days ago?" He court's mother! No mate this is not true!  " I have been on deaths door for a year so your mother took the opportunity to get close to my mate,she thought I would stay dead because I was poisoned!"  So by the law in the world I came from even if they did their relationship would be null because I wasn't dead and there is no such thing as divorce here besides he can only mate once she just wants to ride his coat tails. " But I will still make sure you get training even if my mates don't  do it I will train you!" Really ! He growled.  I nod Yes!

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