Chapter 26 Surprising

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I stood up as the others were waiting I walk over as Fay kneels and I climb on " Thank you Fay!" Inuyasha got on behind Me I kissed his cheek as he hugged my back we all set off towards the house as we landed " Seth go tell everyone about what happened and that Naraku will be staying here please!" I batted my best sweetheart eyes he grins " Sure!" I see Koga " Can we go somewhere and talk?" He smiled as I rode his back we stopped in the woods by a creek " We will have to go back, soon and we need allies, do you think Ayame's clan will fight us or cause us a problem? He looks down " I don't know?" I would rather keep her as a friend! I say as he looks at me " Your my mate!" I know and you both need to remember that. If you have any clan friends who might want to team up we can go there! I say as I smile. Koga smiled as he stepped into the cool creek I do to ,I stood as I watched him catch fish ,then he cleaned it and as it cooked on the skewer I snuggled into him " I love you Koga!" I nuzzled into his neck as he hugged me ,his low growl felt like purrs lulling me to sleep as I felt his chest rise and fall I opened my eyes, he looks concerned " What's wrong?" I smell jewel shards!

" You mean were being watched? I look as he stood sniffing the air, I had a strange feeling as I went toward the bushes I hear feet land behind me as I turn Koga ran to my side, but when I see " Are..Are you Toga Inu no Taisho ?" Yes! He said as he watched me closely, " Have you seen Sesshomarou or Inuyasha yet?" How do you know my sons? He growls.I slowly back away " We are mates ,we have pups together!" Come with us !  as I look at him " Sesshomarou does not have a liking for human women!" That is true ,but you can ask him yourself when we get back !

Your not in the Underworld or afterlife your in the future at the moment! I tell him! He looks at me like he thinks " She must be full of shit!" Getting to the house " Momma,Momma " I hugged them as Harvey walked over and coincidentally had three of the pups three of our boys I turned so Toga could see ,his eyes were dilated he sniffs them and tears were in his eyes. Harvey will you tell Sesshomarou and Inuyasha to come out please? He just smiled as the " Old General " looks closer seeing our pup's and the crecent moon mate mark was proof my thoughts... he doesn't look a day over thirty.

I hear footsteps I step back "Father!" Sesshomarou said I looked at him and smiled " Jessica " Hey, Inuyasha look who's here! I grin I took his hand " How?" He asked . He saw Koga and I by the creek and he caught your scents on me! He nods I smile as Inuyasha holds the pups and walked over nervously, I went inside grabbing three coca cola from the fridge and get a few fold out chairs I open the chairs and put the colas in the cup holders sit I got you chairs and a coca cola " You know like a pop drink!" I mused .

Oh like those Kagome has ! Inuyasha asks, I nod " yes " I notice Sesshomarou looking curiously and Toga looks as if he can't figure it out ,I smile " Here let me help you, see this tab you just pull up gently and it pops open!" They heard the fizzle I giggled.

I'll go in you three catch up! As I turn " No stay I'd like to talk with you! Toga says in a kind but commanding tone , Alright! I sit on the log " Do you want to know how I met them? I ask as Toga nods yes.

" I was once a normal human but Beast Diety sent me to Beastworld and I did what he wanted I took strong mates and tried to help his people quietly without revealing my abilities then one day there was a brutal fight with the scorpion leader and I had to reveal my power then the Diety tossed me into feudal era in the water Sesshomarou, Rin and Jaken pulled me out a day after I woke up I left I found the bone eaters well and followed the trail through the grass to the village, I met Inuyasha and his friends there our friends now though! I giggle.

" What power?" I'll show you, but wait here! I went behind the bushes removing my dress " Summon Witchblade " as I walked over I grin at Koga's wolves blushing I look at Toga he coughs looking up again " My sons have a beautiful mate!" Thank you I said with a smile .Sesshomarou pulled me into his lap " We need to go back to feudal era tomorrow, also we need allies and perhaps I should have Inari explain as he is Beast Diety's successor there is a war coming some are against the world's convergence but many do support it so we need allies in each realm will you help?" I ask Toga " I will protect my family!" Thank you, I said as I thought ..Today was surprising !

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