Chapter 68 Eventful

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As I look at this group of beastmen I thought " Oh snap they either want me as mate or to find them one!" So I look at them " What do you mean ,do you want me as mate or to find you one?" I ask. They look at each other nervously I see them place two deer, three baskets of fruit, vegetables and spices " Thank you  but you four want to court me ,and am I to understand you two want to meet the women where we are going later?" They nod " What are your clans?" Horned Owl I am a skilled hunter, I am Crow I am a skilled craftsman and trader, I am Sheep clan I am a skilled farmer and trader , I am Mer clan I can make salt, bring you pearls and hunt fish ! I nod. " Do you know a merman named  Lanze?" Yes but only from sparring matches ,we are different clans! " I smiled " Can you get along with him? " He looks at me,seriously For you anything! Okay but you four have to talk to all my mates , and you two guys get your things too,  we leave either tonight or tomorrow morning so! As I watch them go get there belongings I walk back over " QingQing would you like to go back and visit with us, you could show off your cubs and your sweethearts! I say with a smile as I wink , She giggles besides the snakelings should hatch soon there in a safe place with a barrier so there shouldn't be any delays or stress.  I say as she and  Curtis smile.  " Okay!" They happily gather a few things as Nox hugs me , I kissed him then we all set out through the forest,  then I smell it the miasma " Cover your noses and mouths get down now!" I summon Naraku  I hear someone above " Hakudoshi miasma crossed over us !" I say coughing as he lands walking over " Are you okay mother ?" I look at him " It's okay of you want to call me mother,  but only if you  truly feel that way!" He nods . "I summoned Naraku !" I say. I came he is dealing with those who poisoned the water and flesh ! " Hakudoshi are they Nox's brothers?" No mother a clan of rival spiders who are angry! " Alright help me make sure they are all okay!"  I summon water as everyone coughs but seem alright ." Hakudoshi ,Shania stayed as her mate is incubating the snakelings please bring her food for me ,tell her I sent you !" He nods and goes off. After a while we make it back " Inari came over with a grin " Growing our family I see !" I smile .These four want to court me, and these four want to meet the women at the TV station! I giggled.  I also invited them to go!  We walk to the hut , as I sit with Ginta "stay here for awhile, they will be back later!" I kissed his cheek. Harvey sat with us as he rubs my back " So everyone but you three went!" I ask with a smile as my cubs crawl in my lap ,I kiss there cheeks.  I see my new courting mates are , being introduced to Lady Kaede and the village men! I smiled.  Harvey checks my pulse as he feels my belly " Drink this mate!" Harvey smiled kissing my neck.  Ginta kissed me gently as the cubs nuzzled my breast to nurse  they coo Harvey holds a boy as he tugs his hair pushing up with his feet giggling, we all laughed. " Any idea which way they went?" Harvey looked at me stern " Your not going mate!"  Harvey,  I know they can handle things but if they need me, is what I meant! He hugs me as tears fell on my shoulder " My love I won't leave you,  not without a heck of a fight !" I know  Jessica but I will fight for you too! I kissed him as he held me tight, breaking for air " I know your strong too Harvey,  and my favorite healer I love you!" The cubs are asleep on the blanket,  Inari walks in with the others Harvey shifted laying next to the  cubs ,as Inari pulled me into his lap I kissed him, he growls as he grins " Inari  after the interview tomorrow perhaps we could go to  Beastworld,  I'm sure the majesties want to check things at the castle and I want to visit Eve!"
We will see after the others get back and the interview is over! Inari smiled as he licks my ear I moan I turn playfully scolding " Your naughty!" He laughs. And yours! " Mmm yes Inari god of rice, wine, and fertility successor to Beast Diety is my mate whom I love!" I look did my love blush? He kissed my cheek as the new mates gasped I smiled " It's been a eventful day hasn't it?" I ask as they all nod.

Across Times "From Earth to Beastworld and Feudal Era!"حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن