Chapter 66 What the F*=% 18+

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We all had a bowl of soup  Sango and Kagome were talking with  Lady Kaede,Nox sat down with me as Sesshomarou had walked out to talk with Toga I know he heals fast but I worry anyway as was sitting in thought Kyora asked " What is your clan?" I look at him since Nox is thinking how to answer " He is a Grim Reaper  you know he reaps souls taking them to the afterlife!" Oh well that explains earlier! " But how did you know that thing?" I took a breath umm " You will find out anyway but I had alot of training, for the  agency I used to work for its dangerous for anyone to know but Colonel Whitmore trained me in combat, but I had several teachers, he taught combat,  Agent Lamb and Agent Romeo trained me in seduction,  another trained me in identifying poison, and mixing antidotes,  I had to learn flying aircraft survival skills , how to blend in read people how to use spy technology you know the fun stuff ask Bankotsu a bunch of teenagers stole his Banreyu so I called Walters he flew in with the guards arresting the kids for assaulting our chauffeurs and he walks in getting his weapon not raising a finger ! " Of course that job I did before I was ever sent to  Beastworld or met any of you  accept  Ellis that is!" Colonel said there is a mole in the agency who gave false orders ,there was a threat on my remaining family, so they forced him into being a I weapon! I say  I sat in thought a few minutes as I stood " Let's go for  a little while!" Nox stood" Do you want to go?" I ask . We will just stay this time! Kyora, Ryura, and Jura said " Alright!" I surprised them all with a hug and kiss on the cheek as we walk out I stop " Toga are your wounds healed?" I ask as he nods kissing my lips " Are you all getting things ready to go or investigate the blood and flesh those demons ate?"  " I sent kanna, and Hakudoshi to investigate the bees are also !" I nod . So that part of the river isn't safe " Nox and I will go to the camp and let the others know also the girls may go back to visit this evening!" I am kissed " Be Careful!" We will  Sesshomarou! I say with a smile.  We walk off towards the forest as Nox stopped " Can I take you somewhere first?"  Yes ! Where is it? I ask ,he grins " A surprise!" I climb on his back as he stuck to the dark parts of the forest there is a waterfall with a cave behind a stone trail on the mountain wall we walk in the cave there is a room in the cave with a door we walk in to a large bed books ,and scrolls line the shelves a hole where light shines in above " Is this your hide out here? " I ask with a grin " Yes" as his back was turned looking at his book I took off my dress I hug his back I pull the belt of his black robe that fell down gasped as my hands trace his body I brush his manhood as he moans he turns capturing my lips as my legs wrap around him he lays me on the bed he peppered kisses down my neck,cupping my breast he slightly nipped as he licks I when a moan breaking for air we flipped as I lick the tip of his member he moans as I suck his fingers ran through my tresses I broke for air as I kissed him he flipped us and thrust in deep as we moan he thrusts slowly as his member is cold but began to get very warm we moan into our kisses his hands hold my hips as he pulled out teasing with the headhe smirks as he licks my flower I moan in pleasure then he thrusts fast and deeper picking up the pace I tightened around him he growls as his member is hot and swollen I  pant pant  am close he said as we moan I am too Nox he thrusts deep as we cry out I pleasure he bit  we slept awhile.
Then Nox sat up growling " Mate get dressed !" Alright! I say putting on my dress and boots  I walk outside behind him , I froze quietly there are three other Reapers  " There she is our brothers mate, now be a good human and reject him or I will poison all here! Nox growls " Firstly why would I reject him,second why do you want me too , and  third what the fuck makes you think I will allow you to poison everyone?

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