Chapter 1 Crash Landing

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There was a time when I was just your average modern day woman who loved the country life ,I woke up ate breakfast, went to my job and came home to read manga and watch anime that is after I took care of my family!    One day I woke up in Beastworld and now...
" Help me!" I yelled as the trees look bigger I hit the water like a ton of bricks ,my body tingled from  numbness as I lay there warmth crept onto me listening to the crackle of the fire ,I hear the sound of a cheerful tune being hummed ,opening my eyes  slowly I see a little girl in a orange kimono ,I thought  "Beast Diety am I supposed to be here?" I sat up slowly.

" My Lady how are thee?" I am sore but thank you all for helping me! "Are thee a friend of Kagome?" I look at her , Is your name Rin? " Yes, how did you know?" I giggled  "A gift from the Diety I guess !" I see you  got my bag for me I appreciate that! Thank you, " No Kagome does not know me but I used to be from future times!" Used to be? Rin asks curiously as stoic Lord Sesshomarou cocked his ear my direction looking off into the forest, Jaken the imp looking as if he was somewhat curious but " How can a weak human survive that fall? "He spat.

"Beast Diety wanted me to live ,it's not the first time this happened !" Well last time I woke up, this time was a crash landing! I giggled " Drivel ,lies how could any Diety want to send a weak human to this world?", so I answer him " Why would any man any species be it God ,Demon, or human send a woman to his sons?" I look at Jaken " this dudes going to swallow flies !" He might like that though I smiled.

" Are you alright  Jaken?" I asked ,What is your name? What is your name? Rin my name is " Jessica " I smile at a her , Where did you wake up ? Looking down at Rin , " Beastworld  in the  forest!" So do you have family there? An innocent little girl " I have several strong mates and many children, I have two daughters in future times too!" But you look so pretty! " Thank you Rin " there in Beastworld strong mates can hunt  Colossals which have emeralds that make you young and beautiful! I giggled " Think reverse aging sort of!" That is amazing! I nod.

" How old could you  possibly be? " Well  Rin " That depends on how you view time ,in the future times I am sixty eight!" My stomach began to growl so opening my bag I pulled out a pound of jerky " Would you like to try it?" I asked looking at Rin.

" Thanks to you  Lady Jessica!" It is deer meat I look to the Lord " I do not eat human food!" Jaken answered with " Hmph" I knew this from the anime but I wanted to be nice! Sitting next to Rin she looks at me " What is That?"

Across Times "From Earth to Beastworld and Feudal Era!"حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن