Chapter 81 Sounds Good!

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Inari looks at me " Do not put yourself in danger for this!" He looks sternly as he hugs me.
" My predecessor decendant, was not sent here so you can treat her mates this way and she came here to help you!"  Inari growls.
" Firstly everyone likes to be spoiled, but what do you do for exercise besides having  sex? Secondly I know your carnivores but a bit of fiber from grain and fruits , and vegetables are good for you, even though your fed well not eating a variety deprived your body of vitamins you need to birth .
Thirdly  stop inbreeding  I mated two brothers and there father but they aren't related to me and have different mothers , help your cubs find mates unrelated from different villages so there is a bigger gene pool! This will keep the cubs fertile and  strong!" I say . As they are stunned as I look to Inari he kissed my cheek as I held our three cubs.
" Eudora if you want more cubs and possibly a female,  have your mates go for a walk with you every day and  build yourself up slowly push yourself a bit further every day!" Her mates look aggravated but understand my meaning I think..
" Think about this Beastworld is unpolluted, no disease other than attitude and poor habits I'm not a health nut but I do try to keep busy!" I say as I pulled snacks from my bag " Would anyone like a ham sandwich, and a pickle?" Me! " Of course  Inuyasha!" Ronan chose a pickle, Eve took a sandwich and a pickle, I look at Eudora and her mates " Would you and your mates like to try one?" Inari picked a sandwich and passed each of the sandwiches to her mates giving her a pickle!" I withheld a laugh but I grinned.
They all ate there sandwiches and Eudora munched her pickle as she actually likes the taste I think!
" Hello mother !" I hear as I look , Oh Hello! I say as her cubs blush " You've gotten stronger! I commented.  They blushed again." Inuyasha smirks " Come on and meet the oldest daughter's!" Inuyasha chirped with a grin Eve stood as we go over together.
I see them talking with  Harvey  QingQing looks over she know about our promise but doesn't say anything I wave the girls over as there cubs are with their mates Zoe and Shania this is my friend  Eve,  " Hello  Mrs Eve!" Eve  smiled at there polite behavior  these are her cubs we made a promise to each other if I ever came back with you,  we would mate our cubs together please allow them to court you! I say as their mates heard  QingQing told them while I did the girls " They look back at there mates !" Elder comes over" Cubs in this world one beast can't keep a female completely safe they will understand and learn to get along!" He said confidently. Patting their shoulders ,"You can still bring them home , and back with me but it is beautiful here and your cubs can have schooling back home too!" I say . Inuyasha,  Ronan and I go over to the yard Eve her youngest cubs followed and her mates stayed by the fence.  I look back as Harvey hugs me with a smile as he goes back cooking QingQing came over  " Are they alright?" I ask  " They will be !" she says as she nods . As we are sitting with Eve " So you have any  female cubs? QingQing asked.  I thought " This is surprising  maybe she finally accepted the polyamory here!"
Yes I have one ,she will mature in a few months! Eve said proudly . Parker and I have two unmated cubs!  I smiled.  I hug both my friends " I love you sisters!" Anna comes over " Hey I'm your sister too!" Laughing I pulled her in . " Jessica as I look around here I'm thinking me and Jeremy might need a hut ,work your magic sis!" Okay where over there across from you and Harvey ! I giggled alright I walk over and focus building a hut with a porch and fenced yard and a garden.
" Whoa that was fast Jeremy your sister gets the next bag of crawfish we find here!" I laugh.
"Sounds good!"

Across Times "From Earth to Beastworld and Feudal Era!"حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن