Chapter 74 Thank You!

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After nursing the cubs and eating I fell asleep I rest until later that evening when I hear children " I got up walking down " Oh Hello kids !" Hi Mrs Jessica we saw you on TV! I smiled " Stay and eat with us , I happen to know we will be having leftover  gumbo ! " Yum yum! They say grinning
" Mary, Jack and Arlo spent time talking with the boys as Hiten watches them curiously, Jack and  Mary look and ask " What's your name?" Hiten! " Are you going to school too? They ask I smiled " No he's my mate , not a teenager !" Oh sorry! " No problem!" I laughed.  It wasn't long and  my phone rang " Hello yes were parents our kids attend the local school!" I took a deep breath " Yes I understand I am also a mother!" I reply politley (without them knowing I pressed record so I would have record .) We would like to meet you in person to discuss so concerns ! My thoughts " I knew this was coming!" Sure come by my house and we will discuss things as I have some things to do for a couple days I just gave birth again! I responded. " With all due respect, we would prefer a neutral place !they say as I thought " How about the local  police department  parking lot, or Krispy Kream Donuts ! I suggested knowing there are officers close by .As I listened the the muffled sounds if there debate the chose the Donut shop so ,I call Walters " Just be on standby close!" Done and done sweetheart! This old guy still manages to make me blush. " Inari go with me to the Donut shop, there are some mothers who want to talk!"  Arlo has a look of a " hungry man" I giggled as they salivate the thought " If I have no problems we'll get shitfaced on krispy Kreme after supper!" Woo hoo yeah buddy! They high five each other telling the cubs how good they are! I'm going to love ,Dylan said ordering the nurses to here with the cubs again!  I know he's still angry with the two who were disrespectful  one to me the other my Momma.
Dylan sat on the cloud with  Inari and I this time as I directed him his cloud hovered right in front of the Krispy Kream as I look at about ten mothers " Should we go in and talk it over with  Donuts?" I ask with a smile .Oh I can't! " No I'm buying!" I say we ordered two of each Donut we put two tables together " No offense but why if you know creator through teachings do you?... Mam hold on I know where this is going " I love Jesus " the creator made all of us what we want is a world everyone live a long fertile life , there are many good and many bad  !" I woke in a world with different values that needed help and I did and I don't regret it ! That's what this is about! " And yes our cubs Children are very strong but they are also good !"  How do you feel  about her love for  Jesus? The other asks Inari and  Dylan " I'm happy, same team!"  So no we won't try to stop faith ,after all Inari is a Diety so that wouldn't be smart!  After a few Donuts " Do you all have any more concerns? " No! Okay keep these I ordered a few boxes of Donuts as we flew back I sat in thought as Dylan held me " Did I handle that well?" He kissed cheek Inari looks at me " Don't worry you did fine! Arriving back at the house we go in "Donuts!" I announced  " They look good there is a knock I open the door  " Hi I'm Mary and  Jack's mom!" Oh come in were having Donuts you have one too! I say with a smile. Actually the kids have got to be good friends! I nod " Yes they have!"  I have to handle something and I don't have anyone to help with the kids! " We are going somewhere out of reach No phone service for a few days or so but the kids are welcome to go and we will be back sometime next week will that help?  " I don't have any money ! She said " No need they can just stay and go with us! " I say with a smile. " Thank you so much! She said.

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