Chapter 36 Sweet

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Naraku took my hand as I wander over " Hey Daddy!" I say as I hug him, I look over " So your building a cannon is it a normal one or is there something unique? " I ask . I  have some ideas but I would like to examine his cannon? Renkotsu said ,I look at Daddy " You mean his rifle? The weapon?" He nods  ,Why don't we set up a target practice? I suggested as I summon milk jugs on a rope , some cans and a ballistic dummy and of course my FNH scar , and  my Smith and  Wesson model 460 pistol and a shit ton of bullets for fun! " Daddy!" I bat my eyes  he look Hmm knowing what I want  he grabbed the target dummy ,jugs, and cans " What is he doing?" Bankotsu asked. He's setting up a target practice so we can show you our guns! I say as he gets a smirk and thoughtful grin , I thought " What is he thinking?" I mentally giggle. Daddy tied the rope with the jugs on a tree limb ,the ballistic dummy is on a small boulder, and the cans are lined up to the left of the dummy. Daddy was loading his gun and I did too " Oh you all have sensitive ears so .." I summon some ear plugs, put these in your ears like this ( I demonstrated)  " Naraku please go tell the others this will be loud and Do Not run to the trees in front of us ,keep all the cubs and pups back!" He smiled  " Don't start without me!" Naraku said . Okay! About ten minutes later I see a flood of cubs ,mates and friends coming to watch,  so I giggle " Put these ear plugs in !" I smile  " Your shooting guns? " Kagome asks . Yes actually your good with a bow  Daddy brought his compound bow, do you want to try it? " Maybe later! " Hey Daddy  you go first!" He shot his rifle,  then his pistol,  and bow . " Looking good Daddy,  you shot the arm off the dummy!" Cool ! Daddy mused with a grin.  Okay everybody that rifle she's got is a bad girl with a attitude! He say as he covers his ears backing away.  I aim for the dummy shot then shot a jug and a can with my rifle then took my Smith and  Wesson pistol and sid it again I look at it as I laughed" Dang baby you to the head off with that rifle, and the pistol took his manhood!" Daddy laughed,  Yes  I did if the dummy had a pulse he wouldn't need money for a sex change ! I grin I turn looking at my mates , " Do you all want to try , this is a tactical gun!" I look " Tactical?" Miroku asked,  " Yes like military,  army ,airforce, marines, navy!" I say . Hey Daddy,  hold his staff! I say as I take  Miroku hand stand here face the target, this is your safety but we are shooting , this is the trigger always hold the butt of the rifle firm to your shoulder it kicks so it could , break your nose or give you a nasty headache  ,he got into  position see the scope " yes" look through the center and line up the cross then fire after a minute or two he squeezed the  trigger  " Wow you did good Miroku!" Who's next? I ask with a big grin Lanze walked over  " Hold on I have something special for you  to try " What is it ?" He asked I summoned" It's a APS amphibious rifle!"  Everyone looks " It can be shot under water!   He eyes went wide " So if we had to ,you could use this!" He smiled  I look back"  come on !" I look around  " Harvey come try !" He walks over and fired the shot " That is something!" He smiled  nervously I kissed him,  I look Momma grabs Inuyasha's arm " Come  on I'll shoot his you  shoot hers! I helped him get position and he fired. He smiled we continued until everyone had a turn  Renkotsu seems very surprised or maybe he's thinking up more weapon plans , Bankotsu really likes my help as he kept on "Hold me there , so I don't lose position!" I giggled but mentally I thought " Is he all there upstairs?"  We had alot of fun as we sat to eat dinner the cubs fell asleep right after dinner and the pups nursed during ,as I sat by the fire  Curtis was talking with  Daddy about the  shooting practice today . Come with me Lanze blushed as I nod and go with him.  As we  got to the river I see he has caught fish and has it cooking on skewers, " Lanze that's so sweet of you!" He sat holding me " I have a gift for you!" I look a luminous pearl  " It's beautiful,  thank you  my mate!" I say with a smile.

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