Chapter 94 Meet

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I look as I can't believe it " You look like a young  Al !" Shit I am flattered you recognize me here ! " But how did you get here ,don't you control the machine?  I say " Inari,  the dragon dude, and the guy who does element stuff sent me !" Did they say why? " Nope just that you are on this island and to stay with your family!"  Well Al this is " Alva, Sesshomarou, Harvey, Korbin, Red, and Ronan everyone this is Al from my world he built the time machine remember!"
Why did you not visit when we were at the farm? Harvey asked  " Love ,Al is a introvert he stays busy with his invention but he would speak to me in town!" Introvert?  Korbin asked "Someone who doesn't like to talk alot!"  As we walk to the beach the four mer stand up  " Good morning!" I say as he smirks mischievously. " I want to see it!" He says " I will do this only once for you because it draws the artificial blades and I weapons!"  Turn around! I said " You too Al!"  I turn as my mates circle me I strip  " Summon Witchblade " they step back " look!"  They all turn  " You look a little different from the anime, but sexy as hell! "Thanks Al"  the mermen stare with blushing faces " If you are courting that female why did you ask to see my weapon?" I ask  We are not courting she desires me! I  nod. " Well we have food waiting back at the village, come eat with us before you go back!"   I reach down " Cubs!" I call as I scoop them up in a hug " Let's go back and eat !" They walk behind me. Back at the village I summon plates and forks as we ate " It's good  Korbin!" He smiles. And then the first female from yesterday makes her appearance "  What are they doing here?" She spat. " My mate invited them!" Alva said calmly.  Do you have a problem with it? " Yes you ugly useless thing!"  Al , your a male tell me something honestly " What do you find attractive about her?"

Hmm well she is confident, but her attitude sucks ass! Al said while looking down" Alright I will ask everyone but Alva this question ." Am I ugly , a thing or the mate you love? " I asked.  If you feel uncomfortable answering say "popcorn"
" Mate,  mate, mate,  mate mate !" My men answer then " A good friend!" Thanks Al  , " The mate I want!" I look at him his clansmen blushed " Are you sure?" Yes! his clansmen start to say ... " Wait my duty is to improve the lives of the people ,I am aware of the tradition of the whole tribe having the same mate but that is part of your fertility problem so allow me to talk to Inari we can visit my world maybe find you some good girls who would appreciate a loyal man !" What do you think  Al don't you have  granddaughters? I asked " Hey put an old man on the spot !"  I laugh " I sure did now you can  give them the grandpa slash Dad talk!" I'm telling your Momma! He chuckled . " Go right ahead and tell her she can spank me then!" I teased sticking my tongue out. Al laughed. My mates look amused.

The female who wants to stir mess left . " Please accept me as mate?" I thought "okay but I've got to find his clansmen some mates !"  What is your name? I asked. " Finn!"  laughed. Why do you choose me as mate, your handsome you could have most anyone? After a minute of thought " I have only met you yesterday, but you are the nicest female and strong you are perfect head  female for my clan!"  Finn you know I am different , I just want you to know you will be happy spend time with my family first if your feelings don't change and the others accept you  we will mate then! He smiled . As he hands me a basket of fish and fruits!  " Thank you!" He smiled  " Alva tell everyone we're going for  a few days please! I said as he kissed  me " Alright!" He told them as Korbin shifts Red, Al, and Harvey get on as Sesshomarou holds me  "  Follow me !" Ronan say looking at Finn and his clansman. Meet us at the castle gate! I say " I bet we can beat you there !" Ronan teased " We'll see!" I say with a laugh.

Across Times "From Earth to Beastworld and Feudal Era!"Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora