Chapter 16 To the Cave!

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The next morning, I woke up early  Kogas arm around me ,I felt fur behind so I rolled over slowly petting his fur I get up slowly and quietly taking my bag outside I start a fire ,heating a skillet and I cooked sausage, and was toaststing bread I notice Ginta " Good morning!" Ay ! He sat on the log while I did this ,then I scrambled eggs ,trying to start conversation " How did you sleep last night?" Well and you? He asked " Good I just have a lot on my mind lately ! " What is your home like?" I smiled " Well men and women have equal rights by law, we have modern convenience  like grocery stores , indoor plumbing, central air and heat ! Then there's entertainment TV, books ,video games, ball games, concerts! We have schools for martial arts,dance, singing, just about anything! By law all cubs have  to attend school, for the normal stuff reading ,writing, math,history, science!" Then we like weekend fun would be barbecues,tailgate parties and stuff to much to list but I'm sure my brothers will tell you plenty of stories and claim blackmail on me !" I giggled I lived on a farm so it's not cramped like in town , " I got some good stories on her!" Hey Jeremy, " She ran me over then got out he started,, " And how about yall dumping sand on my head, or putting toothpaste on my hand and tickling my nose!" Ooh this sounds fun and you two rascals, " They put castor oil in my drink when I wasn't looking so, I made x lax cookies!" I laughed" What is x lax? Ginta asks  ," It's a laxative sends you to bathroom breaks!" He laughed and howled, the others came out " Good morning, breakfast is ready!" We all ate and left towards the Beastmen camp ,this time Shuu carried me Zoe and Shania walked along with everyone who wanted to go and took turns holding Jade ,while  Sybil rode Ah Un with  Rin we continue along the way arriving " Good morning Jessica!" Hi QingQing, this is Kagome ,Sango  ,Miroku, and  Shippo,  my two eldest daughters and brothers are here now but we have a way to travel to the future now " Would you like to go visit my home?" She thought about it " We can come back later!" I told her, "Let me talk to Parker and Curtis!" Alright girl! Carter took my hand as we all walked over
I bowed my head down," Father my mate has an invitation for you and mother!" Oh,what is it? "Your Majesty would you and  her majesty like to visit where I came from in the future?" We can come back later! I say " is that possible?" Yes! The other day Inuyasha and I found my two eldest daughters and my brothers who were in the future, Beast Diety instructed my Momma and a local genius to build a time machine! " A genius " a person beyond normal intelligence,  I mean he has always been weird but the old guy would only speak to me and he claimed to have been abducted by aliens they experimented on him he says,  but I'm leaning more towards  Diety did it! I giggled" Aliens?" like say a foreign intelligent species from outer space! Or another world or dimension! That's something you will hear about on Sci fi Channel in my world its on a television like entertainment in a box that talks with images!" We have to go today for the coordinates and stars to be right ! I say with a smile " I will bring my mates? Her majesty said  " Of course!" Excuse me moment " Do you remember how to ride the Banshee? " Sure Momma!" Sitting my bag down I summoned the Banshee bike and key and a two more for my brothers to share with gas,  I fire up one of the new ones " Dang sis that sounds good!" Don't outrun us I just know you'll be tired! Awe sissy cares! "I am supposed too !" I grin making funny faces and laughing " Hey Curtis, what did you decide?" Who are these males? My brothers! And these two girls are my eldest daughters! "All but one have a mate ,if that's your concern?" No ,We will go! "Oh and Curtis, if you're boys like my oldest daughters it's okay with me!" He got quiet, I looked " What? " I asked  " Well paint me surprised, that is a handsome smile!" I giggle " Do it more often  Curtis! I smiled ,I looked at the two " Give them a chance, beastmen are loyal and want to spoil you okay! Sesshomarou picked me up and sat me on Ah Un with  Rin and  Sybil we all set out towards the cave!

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