PART- 25 (Broken Hearts)

Start from the beginning

But he yanks her hands away from him. It did hurts him a lot. But mostly seeing her begging for his love. His heart was crying and begging him not to do it and accept her now. But he can't. He faced his back to her, to hides his emotions which was reflecting in his dark orbs. That how crazily he loves her and wants her. And how much pain he is feeling now for breaking her heart. Maybe! He is feeling more pain than what she is going through. But he is helpless. He have to do it.

"This is bullshit Sana. I don't love you. I don't. I don't. Do you understand? Did I ever did something special? No. Did I ever gave you any hint like that? No. So just stop. And get the fuck out of my house now." He said angrily but tears were fighting back to fall anytime soon.

"Fuck!" He cursed internally feeling unbearable pain and the thought of being helpless that he can't just accept his love and be happy with her.

"Just say it looking into my eyes Sidharth. That you don't love me. You don't have feelings for me. You don't care for me. You don't have desire for me. You're not protective for me. You're not possessive for me. Tell me. Looking into my eyes. Only then I'll believe your words. I know you do love me. I just know you do. Even if you'll deny it for thousand time in future. I don't give a fuck. I won't believe it. Untill the day I die." She said matching his tone.

Her words was like a sharp stabs on his heart making it bleed and causes pain, when tears rolled down from his cheeks mechanically which he wipes with back of his palm harshly, hiding it from her.

"Don't make it hard for me Sana. I beg you please leave." He begged inwardly still in same position.

"I-I don't. Just l-leave from here." He roared in anger biting his lips to control his broken voice.

"He is so much in pain! He is so helpless." She cried more thinking about the pain he is going through now which Sidharth is trying to hide from her showing his back to her.

"I know it's complicated. We're fucked up. But just remember one thing Sidharth. I love you. I'll always love you. I won't put pressure on you for now. I'll give you time and space. I know you're in pain for doing this to me." She paused seeing some movement of him but he didn't dared to look back at her.

He don't wanted to show her, he is in pain. She is right whatever she is saying now. He just kept quiet and let her speak farther. But still in shock how she knows it?

"Don't be surprised Sidharth, like how I know you're in pain. Do you know how? Because you're mine. You're my soulmate. My love. My life. My God damn everything. I'll wait for you and for the day you'll accept me. Take care babe and don't hurt yourself and don't cry. Or else, I'll cry more. Not for what you did now to me. Not for the rejection. But for you, MY LOVE. I can't see you in pain like you can't see me. I love you, infinity. Just remember it." She pressed her lips against his back and plant and soft kiss then harshly bites in end knowing it will leave a mark on him.

Sidharth hissed in pain and quickly looked back at her angrily but he gets shocked seeing a pair of glossy red eyes but with a beautiful smile played on her beautiful face.

"Why she is smiling?" He thought with an unamused expression.

"I just marked you mine, babe. Take care." She quickly kissed his temple and runs towards the main door leaving him in shock.

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