Bad Day

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Jade's POV

Today was the start of our Christmas break.

You'd think that I'd be cheering my ass off by now. But no. In fact, this day is anything but good.

I got called in to the principal's office again because of my failing grades. They said that if i don't pick up my actions, I wouldn't graduate. My only chance was to at least get a passing grade in my primary subject. And if I don't, I don't graduate.

Bad News #2: My dad called me. And he gave me a long, stern and biased lecture about how I had talked back to my mom on the call before. Then he gave me an even longer lecture on how I shouldn't waste my time on a "hobby". He said that their decision was final and that I will pursue business whether I like it or not.

Now I'm here in my room, crying my eyes out. Even though I said that I would pursue art whether they like it or not, a small glimpse of hope was still in my heart that they'd actually give me a chance. But all I've heard from them ever since I opened up were biased lectures. They didn't even listen to me. They just kept saying that it's a hobby and that I should 'get real'.

Well, I have been trying to get real. And this is real for me. This is what I want to do for the rest of my life. This is what my heart really wants. And i could try to want other things. But no matter how hard I try, my heart's fixed.

I glanced at my phone, sniffing.

Adam didn't even text or call me all day. It was already 6pm and his shift was over. He's either at home or at a gig.

Maybe I should call him...

I reached for my phone and dialed Adam's number. After a few rings, Adam picked up.

"Hello?" He greeted, his voice loud. It sounded like he was in a crowded place. Everybody was cheering and I could hear music from far away.

"Hey." I sniffed.

"Heyy!" His voice lit up. "What's up?"

"Good." I wiped my tears and tried to keep my voice from shaking. I was ready to burst into tears but I didn't want to worry Adam. "Hey, can you come over?"

I didn't want to sound too needy. But right now, i think I really do need him.

He fell silent. All I could hear were the music playing in the background and Tommy speaking from afar. He's probably at a gig. I knew the answer already.

"Oh, um... You're at a gig?" I wanted to slap myself for even calling him. He's at a gig and I'm disturbing him. He's probably thinking of how needy and clingy I am. Dammit, that's the last thing I want to become.

"Yeah..." He trailed off, like he was thinking of a way to break it to me nicely. I never should've called. He didn't call me all day for a reason. He's probably been busy all day. And I'm just adding to his problems.

"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have called." I apologized, ready to hang up.

"No no no! It's okay! I'm glad you called." He defended. But I still wasn't convinced. "But um... i'm sorry I can't come over right now."

"I understand. I'm so sorry." I frowned, my heart breaking.

"Don't apologize!" He laughed.

"You okay?" He asked, worried. "I mean, I could come-"

"No no! I'm okay. Really. I just missed you." I lied, feeling disappointed.

He chuckled. "I miss you too."

"Hey," he said softly and I could imagine him grin, making my heart warm up.


"Tomorrow's your birthday right? Why don't we go to a fancy dinner. A really classy evening. What do you say?" He asked.

Damn it is my birthday tomorrow. I'm surprised he even remembered. Because I barely remembered, myself. All these unfortunate events are happening to me all at once and it made me forget that it's actually my birthday tomorrow.

"Yeah, that sounds amazing." I smiled.

"Yeah?!" He exclaimed excitedly.

"Okay..." He said. "Oh hey, I gotta go baby. I'll see you tomorrow evening. Bye, I love you."

"Bye, love you." I smiled and hung up.

After I hung up, the silence of the room filled me again. I felt alone. Talking to Adam makes my day a lot less worse. Just hearing his voice makes me happy already. And I wanted to see him so badly. I wanted him here and I'd just cry in his arms. Then he'd look at me with those beautiful eyes and tell me everything's all good.

But he's not here.

And I've watched 'Runaway Bride' for a thousand times. But nothing's making me feel better. All I needed was him.

I burst into tears once again and covered my cries with a pillow.

I needed someone.

I dialed Jenna, Jordan, some of my other close friends from college. But all of them went to voicemail. Nobody was answering. Can you actually believe that I know all these people but fate just happened to fuck with me and not have a single one available in my time of need?

I sniffed, my heart aching. I've been crying all afternoon and I hadn't noticed how bad it affected my heart. I was already hiccuping and I knew I had enough.

I set aside my laptop on the side table and plugged in my headphones.

Like a lullaby, Sam Smith's voice put me to sleep.

A/N: Heyyyy guyssss!!!! I AM SO SORRY FOR THE SHORT CHAPTER. I'll make it up to ya guys. Love y'all. Keep the Glam! xoxo

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