Just Admit It

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Jade's POV

The beach buzzed with all different kinds of sounds. There was the raging roar of the waves, the booming of the music played through the speakers and the voices, laughs and chattering of people everywhere. It was sale day and people were all over the place. There were tables and stations where people sold different foods and knick knacks. Everyone was such a buzz and enthusiasm filled the summer breeze.

"I just love the ocean here." Ashley floated towards me.

We just got into the sea and although the summer heat was roasting our skins, the cool water toned it down just enough.

"You know what I noticed just now, you guys?" Jenna swam steadily next to me.

"What?" I asked.

"I just realized that I'm like a full on third wheel. I mean, Ashley and Tommy. Jade and Adam." Jenna replied.

"You're not a third wheel. You can flirt with Adam if you want." I chuckled.

"No thanks." Jenna rolled her eyes.

"Speaking of Adam, where is he-" I started. But then I felt a creepy grasp around my ankle.

I screamed wildly and struggled lose. My heart pounded loudly.

Suddenly, Adam surfaced out of the water right next to me, laughing wildly. "Oh my god!" He laughed.

"Ugh. You asshole!" I glared at him and punched him in the arm hard, my fear levels subsiding.

He just laughed and blocked my punches.

"You should've seen your face!" Tommy laughed with Adam.

"You were in on this?" I scoffed in surprise.

"No." He admitted, still laughing. "But I was expecting it."

Everyone else started laughing and I just rolled my eyes. We swam for a few more minutes- maybe an hour- but then we all got bored and our skins started getting wrinkly, so we got out of the ocean and headed to the kiosks.

"I'm in the mood for some ice cream." I grunted.

"We just ate the same damn thing yesterday." Adam raised an eyebrow.

"It's fucking hot Adam. I can do what I want." I rolled my eyes and he chuckled.

"Actually I'm in the mood for one too." Jenna added.

Jenna and I went and bought ice creams on a stick and went back to the others who were playing volleyball by the beach side. We took longer to get back than expected because Jenna kept flirting with the guy selling the ice cream. And yes, she got his number.

"Hey! You guys wanna play?" Tommy called out.

Jenna and I refused because we were not even halfway done with our ice creams. So we just sat at the sand beside them and watched them play. They told us to score them and whoever loses will do a dare from all of us. Ashley and Tommy were teamed up and Adam was teamed up with another guy- the lifeguard I think (cause he was super buff).

"That ice cream guy looked so hot." Jenna sighed in daydream.

"You think everybody looks hot." I smirked.

"You can't blame me. There are a lot of hot guys in this world." She beamed.

By this time, Tommy and Ashley were behind by one point.

"You know, this week is actually turning out to be a pretty good outing." I admitted.

"I told you. You know I'm always right." She grinned and I rolled my eyes.

"And I guess I'm also right about Mr. Lambert." She winked.

"What do you mean?" I asked, smiling awkwardly.

"Duh. We don't need to have an extravagant girl talk for me not to see that you got a thing for Adam, and he isn't just a one night stand." She crossed her arms and smiled proudly.

"Look, I don't have a thing for him. He's just a nice guy. And even if I did, it's just because of this horrible coincidence that we're all together on this trip." I denied.

"So you do admit it! You have a thing for him!" She giggled and squealed.

"Shut up." I glared at her.

"Look when you told me Adam was just a one night stand...." She waved her hand in the air. "I knew it was your crappy denial. I mean, look at you. You're so not the girl who can have a one night stand with someone-anyone."

"Ugh. Believe what you want to believe. I already said the truth." I rolled my eyes and gobbled up my ice cream.

"Just admit it, Jade." Jenna rolled her eyes.

"What do I have to admit? I already said 'We're Nothing more than just friends on a relaxing vacation.'" I replied in irritation. Honestly, i did feel something for Adam. Especially when we spent the day together yesterday. But i still wasn't convinced I was head over heels for him. I still considered it a fling... I think...

"That's like saying you could have a thing for Tommy. And you can't cause you already like Adam. Just be honest." She raised an eyebrow.

"I can't have a thing for Tommy cause he's taken! What the hell are you even talking abou-"

Before I could finish my sentence, something hard and heavy hit me on the head- sending me lying on the ground. My head throbbed and the hit part of my head ached. I could hear voices but my hearing went muffled and my sight was blackening.

The last thing I saw was Adam and Jenna causing a commotion over me.

Then I blacked out.

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