A Normal Talk

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Adam's POV

I looked far out into the distance, watching the crowds of people cheering and dancing. The DJ wasn't even here yet and the people are already wild. Although the music and the atmosphere was fun and happy, I felt the exact opposite of that. I wasn't mad or sad. I was just confused and quite honestly, a bit hurt. When I looked at Jade's eyes a while ago, I felt just a sense of mutual calmness between us. When I looked at her, it felt like the night would turn out as a normal awkward talk between us, leading into either a bad or good effect. Nonetheless, a normal talk.

But no, she looked at me like all her nerves were screaming for me to go away. Then she took off.

"C'mon Adam! Dance!" Ashley took my hand.

I forced a laugh but resisted her urge, keeping my lean on the counter. "No thanks."

Ashley pouted and I just answered with a laugh.

"If you don't want to dance, we'll dance for you." Tommy grinned and started dancing wildly in front of me. Ashley and Jenna followed.

"Stop!" I laughed. "This looks like a lap dance for pete's sake."

"I can't hear you!" Jenna shook her booty. I just found myself laughing at them.

"Oh!" Tommy exclaimed as he turned around, dancing. "Jade!"

The others turned in surprise. And my eyes searched for her in panic. After a moment of looking and when the girls squealed in greeting, I saw her. She squeezed through the crowd, avoiding dancers. She looked very tall and slim in her black outfit.

"Heyy..." She raised her hand lowly, giving a small wave.

"I'm glad you're here!" Ashley hugged her tight then broke off.

"Yeah! Where'd you go?" Tommy asked, still bopping a bit to the dance beat.

"Oh I just forgot something back at the hotel." She smiled shyly. She was far from the dancing Jade I bumped into a while ago. Now, she was shy and made small movements. Like when I first met her.

"Well thank the heavens you're here." Jenna placed both hands on her shoulders. "We've been accompanying this grouch for ages and We just need to get on the dance floor. Mind watching him?" She said like I was a kid in need of a babysitter.

"Um..." Jade stammered nervously.

"Thanks hon. Love ya." Jenna quickly said and ushered Tommy and Ashley away, disappearing into the crowd.

Jade slowly walked over and sat on the counter seat next to me. Since the seat was high, I was just her height as I was standing.

"Hey." She spoke, staring at the crowds.

"Hey." I said back.

We said nothing for a few minutes, letting the music and cheering fill the silence. But although it wasn't technically silent, it still felt awkward. I felt the need to say something. But was quite unsure since the tiniest amount of mistake could send her running off once again.

"Enjoying the party?" Jade finally spoke.

"Barely." I answered back.

"I see. The crowds are too much don't you think?" She said.

"Yeah. Not my type of party." I grinned.

"You're a bartender for god's sake." She chuckled softly, restrained.

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