Cute Guy

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Jade's POV

"Turn right." Jenna told me as we turned past another block.

We were on our way to a popular beach that everyone's been talking about. There's also an outdoors spring party being held so Jenna booked us a nearby hotel good for a week. The event was a week long and at the end of the week, that's when the extravagant party would be held.

Jenna also borrowed a pick up truck from her brother, Rick. She already knows how to drive but insisted that I drive cause she said it was tiring.

"I can't believe you booked us there for a week." I groaned.

"No use complaining now." She snickered. I never wanted nor agreed to go to this event. As you can see, these past few days weren't exactly happy days for me. Jenna thought that spending a week at the beach would cheer me up. But I highly doubt it. I've been crying over Caden for two weeks now... And half of that time span included a bit of Adam.

We reached the beach in half an hour. People were buzzing all around in their two piece swimsuits and sunglasses. The beach was vast and the waves were huge. Many people kept walking across the street which made it hard for me to drive quickly. We went to the hotel first to set down our bags. The room was really nice. Good AC, Cable television, wifi, two beds. I could survive this for a week.

"Mm... Pink or Black?" Jenna modeled two pieces of swimsuits in front of me.

"Do you have to wear that now? I mean, shouldn't we just walk around first or something?" I complained.

"We will. I just wanna show some skin. So people can see me strut in this booty." She giggled.

I laughed. "Okay. But I'm not wearing anything like that now."

"Suit yourself." She smirked and put on the black striped two piece swimsuit. Jenna has a nice body so it wasn't hard for her to wear these kinds of stuff. I can say that I have a fairly nice body, but I don't have any confidence to actually wear a two piece swimsuit and strut around other people.

I just put on a lace bra, my white muscle tee and shorts. Jenna persisted me a few times to wear a swimsuit as well but of course, I refused successfully.

We headed to the beach and walked by the shoreline, letting our feet get splashed by small waves. We just chatted for a while and did our favorite pastime: making fun of people around us. It's nothing serious nor offensive. It's simply just when we see something worth noticing, we glance at each other and just laugh, knowing we were thinking the same thing.

Jenna insisted that we get into the water so I had to get my clothes wet. Luckily, my bra kinda looked like a swimsuit. So I just took off my top and got into the water. We swam and kept making fun of people.

"Ooh. Douchebag at 3 o'clock"I gave a devious smile. Jenna laughed quietly as She saw the guy. He had large muscles but was super short in height. He was arguing with a taller guy but had to stand on his toes.

"Oh! Cute guy 10 o'clock." Jenna squeezed my arm.

I looked at the direction and saw... Well, a cute guy. He had blonde hair and one side was shaved. He didn't look like a heart throb. He looked more like a bad boy.

We laughed and got out of the water. We headed to the cocktail bar, but Jenna went to the bathroom first so I got there first.

I ordered a Margarita and watched the cheerful atmosphere of people as I sipped on the cocktail drink. Honestly, I had fun. Jenna usually knows how to cheer me up.

I sighed.

But still... It doesn't change the way I feel when I'm alone. I've managed to think less of Adam, knowing it was useless because we'd probably never see each other anymore. And why should we? Anyways, I tried to forget him. I also tried to forget Caden. But this one's harder... The longer it gets, the more I miss him. Time is definitely not healing this wound.

"What's a beautiful sad girl doing at a beach?" A male voice came from beside me.

I turned in surprise to see the cute blonde guy Jenna and I were checking out a while ago. He gave me a smile. He looked even cuter up close. I'm not here to flirt or whatever but still, this guy is cute. His nose was long with a curved end, his blonde hair fell on his face and one side shaved perfectly, and his body had just the right muscles.

"Oh." I gave a small laugh.

" So?" He grinned and moved a seat closer.

"So... What?" I asked in confusion.


"Oh." I sipped on my drink. "It's nothing. I just remembered something."

"What is it?" He asked, frowning.

I am so done with telling strangers my sad life story. " oh. Um... It's this movie that my friend and I watched last night."

"What movie?" He grinned.

I grew nervous... What movie? Dammit. Why do you keep asking these questions? "Um... I don't remember . It was just this guy and another guy..." I made up stories desperately inside my head.

"Brokeback Mountain?" He chuckled.

I blushed. "No! It's not that- I" I laughed and so did he.

Suddenly, his phone buzzed and he checked it. "Oop. My girlfriend's calling me."

Girlfriend!? What??? Seriously? Well, I'm not exactly disappointed. I'm more worried. What if his girl saw us talking? That guy was awfully close to me and I definitely don't want to get in a fight .

"I'll see you later?" He grinned, looking up at me.

"Yeah." I smiled.

"Okay." He smiled back. "Here." He handed me five dollars.


"Pay for your drink." He grinned.

"By the way, the name's Tommy." He extended his hand and I Carefully shook it, making sure it would look absolutely malice free.

"Xena." I smiled and shook his hand.

He smiled and started to walk away. "And Xena?" He turned around suddenly.

"Cheer up." He grinned.

I chuckled and waved him goodbye as he walked away.

"Oh my gosh!" Suddenly, Jenna showed up behind me.


"I cannot believe you'd flirt without me. i'm offended." She dramatically gasped.

"Don't bother. He's taken." I smirked and sipped on my Margarita.

"Aw..." She sat beside me, pouting.

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