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Jade's POV

"I can't believe they would even say that!" I gritted my teeth and ran both hands through my hair.

Jenna didn't respond. She just looked at me with a sad and sympathetic look. I knew she didn't know what to say to me. I myself didn't even know what to say to me. My mom rejected my dream. I, at least, expected her to hear me out. To give me a chance and try to understand. But no, she just told me I'm young and I don't know anything. I may not know much but I know very well that I despise what I'm doing right now. I've been in college for four years already and I'm graduating. You'd think that I would actually learn to love my degree by now. But I can't. Business is the exact opposite of what I want. Bleak, Gray, Dull and Professional.

"Here you go ma'am." The salesman handed me a box with a smile. It was the new phone that I bought. When I threw my phone across the room yesterday, it cracked and it won't work anymore. And now I had to buy a new one. I figured it was okay that I broke my phone cause I needed an upgrade anyway.

"Look, Xena." Jenna started as we walked outside the Apple store and headed to Forever 21. "Just give them some time. Maybe after the call, she got hit by a brick or something. And now she's trying to understand the situation."

"I have low hopes on what you're saying right now. You don't know my parents. Once they say something, it's done. No second thoughts. No second choices. " I picked a black skeleton printed crop top and white joggers while Jenna searched through the racks as well.

"I don't know your parents; true. But still, you gotta look on the bright side here." Jenna picked black leather shorts and a white muscle tee. Then we entered a fitting room that was large enough for the both of us.

"There is no bright side." I argued, desperate.

"Alright." She sighed exasperatedly. "I feel like nothing I could say right now would make you feel any better so let's just try on these clothes and forget that shit for a while."

I raised an eyebrow at her and she looked serious. So I just sighed and we both put on the clothing, complemented each other, modeled inside the cramped fitting room, bought the clothes, and lucky enough, I went out of the shop smiling.

"See? There's that smile." Jenna talked in a baby voice.

"Shut up." I laughed and pushed her playfully. I was happy that I had a friend like Jenna. We're not exactly similar. She's a party girl and I stay at home watching stuff on my laptop. But she knows the exact way to cheer me up and the way to sympathize with me. I don't believe in best friends because in our entire lifetime, things change and people come and go. So how can you just pick one as the best? But I believe in really really really good friends, and Jenna's one of them.

Suddenly, Jenna's phone rang. I watched her talk through the phone with much sweetness, and I knew instantly that it was a lover.

"Ah shit." She finally said goodbye and pushed her phone in her pocket. "I gotta go..." She looked at me with worry, like I would get mad if she went off again.

"Seriously?" I pouted my lips.

"Yeah. Brent's calling me." She reflected my pouty face. "I'm so sorry."

"Brent?" I smiled widely. "Why do I get the feeling that you guys are getting serious?"

"Because we are." She beamed.

"Well, I won't believe it till two months pass." I smirked. Jenna's rarely at the dorm. I'm not even sure if she's attending her classes. I always thought it was because she's always at the club. But now, I think it's because of this Brent guy. I don't want her to ruin her college and her future but I already tried hard to tell her off before. She's very stubborn and I knew that I just had to let her be.

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