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Jade's POV

"Bye you guys." I hugged both Dex and Jordan, and walked away. Jordan and I made the creme brûlée recipe last night and he told me that it was actually for our dinner. He wanted me to meet Dex. And tonight was amazing. They're both really cute and sweet together. Plus, their humor made me laugh my ass off the entire time. I could barely eat my food. Dex is really nice. I never got to know him well before since he was a senior. But I wasn't surprised when I found out he was gay, because he's always into creative things like art, theatre and singing. I don't think I've ever seen him in a football uniform before. I never thought Jordan would fall for Dex, but they looked happy. So I'm very happy too for them.

I made my way to Adam's apartment; as promised. I was so guilty that I wasn't there for him last night when he invited me. He really looked tired. I don't know what happened to him. But it looked work related. And now, I wanna make it up to him and be there for him.

On the way, my phone buzzed and I checked it to see that it was Adam.

Come to the Carnival. Please, Jade. Hurry. It's an emergency. And don't call the cops.

I stared at the text for a few more minutes, trying to take in what he just said. It took a car's loud horn to snap me out of my daze. I started running.

My mind was racing just as fast as my running pace. What did Adam do? My heartbeat was thumping loudly and it was like my world was vanishing and all I could think of is Adam. The image of his text was replaying inside my head. It sounded urgent and desperate. All kinds of thoughts rushed inside my head. Was he being kidnapped? Shit. What if I'm too late? Did he get into some sort of accident inside the carnival? Even the worst of the worst thoughts came to me. What if Adam got into some sort of fight, and he killed somebody? What if somebody's dead? What if he's dead? My heart stopped at the idea, and I tried my best to shrug it off; knowing it won't be any help to the situation right now. I just needed to get to him.

I ran across the street and almost got ran over by cars. In fact, one car bumped me already. Luckily, I got up and started running again. My body hurt but I couldn't think about it. All I could think of was Adam.

Sweat was pouring all over my body by the time I got to the park. The distance I had to run still wasn't what bothered me. It was the time consumed because of the distance. What if I'm too late? That was all that was replaying inside my head. I could barely keep myself together as the worry inside my heart grew larger and larger.

I nearly tumbled and fell on the stoney path of trees and flowers. It took us half an hour to get through this path before, but with all the adrenaline rushing through my body, it only took me fifteen minutes.

I reached the carnival. It wasn't lifeless like before. The electricity was already opened so the enthusiastic clash of red and pink themed rides showed bluntly. I was panting and my legs were weak. Adam's been here already.... The electricity was powered on already. But there was no one to be seen. There was no trail of anything. I stood in the middle if the carnival, desperate.

I was desperate. I just wanted to see Adam. That was all I wanted. I was holding back tears.

I couldn't bear the fact that the last time I saw him was when I wasn't there for him; when I rejected him. The longer I stood there in the middle of everything, the more worried I got. Worry turned to fright, and fright turned into anger. Anger at myself.

I just wanted to see him. And hold his hands. And hug him tight. I just wanted to see him okay.

"Adam!" I yelled, tears already covering my eyes. I already looked everywhere around the carnival but there was no one there. Dark was settling in.

There was no answer.

I knelt down the ground and cried my eyes out. I could picture him. His eyes, his face, his charm, his voice, his touch, his everything. How much I love him. And how much he loves me.

Then I pictured it all gone.

And my heart ached like never before.

It was getting dark. And I was starting to feel terrified. I was alone. And Adam was nowhere.

"Adam!" I cried out, sobbing loudly.

"Hey!" Suddenly, two hands jumped on my shoulders and I jumped back, shrieking. My heart stopped. Is this the end? For me too?......

I turned to expect a large muscled man waiting to kill me.

But then... I saw that it was Adam, smiling widely. It was like a big stone was lifted from my chest, and before I knew it I was hugging him tightly. I hugged him so tight. I didn't want to let him go. I thought I would never see him again. His warmth towered over my feelings of worry and tears burst out from my eyes.

"Woah! What happened?" He hugged me back, but a bit confused. That's when the adrenaline left my body and everything felt weak. I felt almost about to faint. I ran so long and hard.

I was sobbing loud and I could barely speak. I shut my eyes tight, just feeling him against me. "I thought I lost you."

"What? What are you talking about?" He asked, confused.

I broke off him after a few more moments, wiping my eyes of tears and I looked up at him. "Your text." i sniffed. "You said it was an emergency." I spoke in between hiccups.

"Oh. That? I-" he looked surprised and he stared at me, wide eyed. Then he laughed. "Jade, it was nothing."

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

"No, there's no emergency." He replied.

"Well-" i was shocked. "Why did you text me this?"

"It's a joke. I thought it would be funny." He chuckled, his smile wide. I was so irritated.

"You thought it would be funny?! Well it's not, you asshole! I thought you were fucking dead and it's not a good joke!" I yelled and pushed him hard.

"Hey. Jade, I'm sorry! I didn't think you'd take it this way." He gave a half smile, like he was so innocent. Adrenaline rushed up my head once again. I was so angry. I can't believe he would actually do this.

"You didn't think I'd take it this way?! Well, why don't you read your text again, jerk. Then maybe you'll see just why I took it this way." I snapped, glaring at him.

His smile faded and he looked surprise.

"I can't believe you." I pushed him and walked away.

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. "Hey, Jade. I'm sorry. I didn't mean for you to get mad."

"I'm not just mad, Adam! I'm sad, I'm exhausted and I'm furious." I panted, tears running out of my eyes. "Just leave me alone."

I snapped back my wrist and walked away.

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