The Question

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I woke up and squinted my eyes. The moment my eyes opened, I felt my head throb painfully. The head ache made me shot up in pain. "Agh!"

"You're awake." Adam suddenly stood up from a chair in front of me and stood closer.

I looked around. Everything was wooden themed. The walls were bamboos tied together. Picture frames and sailor designs hung on the wall. There was a table on the side filled with knick knacks and messed up papers. The bed I was lying on was made from bamboos and just had a mattress on top of it. Everything looked warm and home-like. The only thing modern about everything was a small television hung on the wall in front of me.

"What happened?" I rubbed my forehead, trying to soothe the painful shot. All I could remember was talking to Jenna and getting hit by something. Then blacking out. "Where am I?"

"We're at the lifeguard's station. He let us stay here." He explained and sat next to me on the bed. I moved over and let him sit right next to me, both of us facing the television. He extended his legs next to mine. I could clearly see how ridiculously longer his legs were than mine. Mine were like matchsticks compared to his.

"What happened?" I asked again.

He hesitated then smiled awkwardly. "I.... might've smashed the volleyball in your face."

"What?!" I exclaimed, surprised. I know that there was a possibility that I was hit by a ball but I didn't actually count on it. Because I was hit so hard. It just felt like a rock with less edges. And it's more of a shock that it was Adam who hit me. I never expected him to be a strong hitter.

"It's okay." He calmed me down. "The lifeguard said there's nothing wrong with you. You're just gonna have that headache for a few more hours."

"Wow." I placed my hand on my forehead.

"I'm really sorry." He apologized, his face worried.

"No, it's okay." I looked up at him and did the best smile I could afford with a throbbing brain. "Where are the others?"

"At the ocean. I told them I'll take the first watch." He reached for the remote at the side table and switched on the television.

"Thanks." I stared at the television. "But you should go there. I can just stay here by myself."

"Nah. I'll stay here. You might start watching too much television and hurt yourself. Tsk tsk tsk." He waved a finger in front of me.

I laughed. "It's okay. You can go there."

"Jade. It's okay. I want to stay, okay?" He looked at me with his blue eyes and smiled, making my heart flutter just enough to make me forget I had a headache for a minute.

"Okay." I smiled back.

He switched the channels and Run Away Bride came up.

"Oh look. Run away bride." Adam pointed, smiling widely.

"Well look at that." I chuckled. "Have you watched it yet?"

"Yeah. But I never got to the ending." He shrugged his shoulders.

And so we watched the movie. Adam bought some chips from the sale outside and we found ourselves a little cinema all to ourselves. Adam kept making comments, which just made me chuckle. I never knew Adam Lambert: Fight seeker and Large Tattooed Man would be interested in such a sweet romantic movie.

"That's a really great movie." Adam nodded his head when the credits came up. "I can see why it's your favorite."

"Yep." I nodded my head.

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