Cold as Ice

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Jade's POV

"You couldn't have made him explain how he felt for you, you stupid asshole." Jenna glared at me as we searched through the clothes racks. I was looking for a new top because I was running out of clothes to wear and I was certainly not gonna go back home this spring break. Luckily, my parents would send me cash regularly so I could shop well. In fact since I don't always buy stuff, I've managed to save the money they send me. And now I have just enough money to buy myself a decent apartment and probably get a dog or whatever. But I won't be able to do that till I'm out of this stinking college. And God knows how long this business thing is gonna get.

"Felt for me? Jenna, it was a fucking one night stand. Get over it." I rolled my eyes. Honestly, I don't get what the big deal is with this Adam guy. I mean, I like him. And I would even consider dating him. But not now. Okay, scratch that. Maybe not ever. He's a really cool guy but I think me kicking him out of my dorm would just be enough reason that he won't ever talk to me again. And I'm cool with that. I just don't get why Jenna's making such a big deal out of it.

Her making it a big deal is getting to my head. Somehow, I as well would often think of Adam. When I really shouldn't.

"But you don't know what he told me, Xena." She leaned on the clothes rack and looked directly at me.

"and I don't need to know. Okay?" I made my point clear.

Jenna kept insisting that while I was gone wasting time walking and roaming around like some hobo, and they were chit chatting in relaxation, Adam told her stuff about me. And the reason that I don't want to know what he told her is because I have this strong gut feeling that he told her about my deepest darkest secret that I want to be an artist.

I can't believe I trusted a complete stranger.

In fact, I can't believe I even trusted someone again.

"You guys are just so perfect for each other." She whined.

"Jenna." I looked at her. "One- Night- Stand. Okay? That's it. Nothing more. Seriously of all people, you should be the one to understand that."

I picked a red crop top, a skeleton muscle tee and a pair of black jeans. Then proceeded on to the cashier.

"That's the point, Xena! Don't you think that if I really thought that this is just a one night stand, I would still be bugging you about it till now. I'm not patient. You know that." She followed me and kept explaining.

For a few seconds, Her words struck me. She's right. Jenna is the most inconsistent person I've met. And not just because she keeps hopping from guy to guy. It's mainly because she's not patient with everything. With her studies, with her hobbies, and even with cooking food. That's why she loves fast food. And basically, she's been bugging me about Adam since he left. Which was four days already.

But I shook the idea out of my head and said instead "And you're not a love expert. I also know that."

The cashier girl handed me the bag and my change and Jenna and I walked out of the store.

"Look. Just look at you. You're shopping! You wouldn't be able to do that before you met Adam. Not even if I keep persisting you." She gestured to my figure.

"I just look better. But I don't feel any different." I replied.

"Ugh. You know what, fuck you. I'm going to the bathroom. Don't you dare go away. I'm not done with you yet." She warned me and walked away quickly.

I walked past shops, just looking around. There weren't many people in the mall so it was less of a daze and the air conditioning really worked it's magic. I checked my phone. No messages yet. I know i've been waiting for Caden for days now. But somehow, I was still hoping that he'd at least send me a short message. Just a simple hi. I mean, it's only been a week. Maybe he just needed time. Even though I hate thinking about Adam, his words really help me. Whenever I feel like blaming myself again for what Caden did... i would remember Adam saying that I should get into trouble more before entering the dark swirl of marriage. His advice makes me laugh... And it makes me feel guilty as shit too. Adam really is a nice guy... And I just blew him out like that.

Suddenly, I bumped into something that made me lose my balance. But luckily, I managed to not fall on the ground.

"Agh!" I exclaimed as I took the impact.

"Ah shit. I'm sorry." A voice came from above me.

Seriously, you couldn't have seen where you were going?! Sheesh!

I glared up at the guy and was met by a pair of familiar blue eyes. I was about to complain but I was stopped.

Shit. It's him.


We were both in shock as we stared at each other for long seconds. I felt anxious and stiffen. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what to do. I just wanted to curl into a ball and hide in the dark forever.

"I'm sorry." His face changed into a cold and expressionless emotion.

I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces. No. I wasn't expecting a bright smile and a joyful hello. But I also wasn't expecting him to be this cold and scary. In fact, I didn't even ever expect that we'd meet again.

I was speechless.

"Sorry I have to go." He walked away, his icy blue eyes sticking into mine for a few seconds before looking away. I was shocked. I never thought he could even become like this. The Adam I was with the other night was so bubbly and smiling that you wouldn't ever think that he could look like this.

I felt my voice wanting to escape my mouth but my body persistently stopping it. I felt guilt, disappointment, sadness and irritation mix into one ball of shitty feeling that was drowning me, making it hard for me to breathe.

"Wait Adam!" I turned around and finally, my voice came out.

Adam stopped and stayed for a long second before turning around to face me.

I took it to myself and was the one who walked over to him.

"Look, I'm sorry about the other day. I know I shouldn't have pushed you away like that." I looked into his eyes, giving my charm a 100%.

His face softened but it was still expressionless.

"I'm really sorry. You're a great guy and I should've at least talked to you." I apologized, making my heart as sincere and as genuine as it could be.

He cleared his throat and placed his hands on his pockets. His lips formed a really small smile. So small that you'd think he just twitched. "It's okay. I understand."

I waited for more words. Words of acceptance.

But he just kept looking at me with those cold eyes, making me feel more guilty than I ever was.

"I'm sorry but I really have to go." He shrugged his shoulders and his eyeballs moved from left to right.

"Oh." I smiled enthusiastically but inside, I was breaking. "Okay see you."

"Bye." He said in a deep voice and walked away.


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