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Jade's POV

"Are you sure you're feeling better already?" I leaned on the counter while Adam was cooking eggs.

I woke up today and he was behind the counter once again, making breakfast. But this time, he wasn't sneezing and coughing anymore. Thank the heavens. I'm glad that he's well already. Yesterday, he was so sick I nearly thought that I'd have to take him to the hospital. My worry levels were bursting the whole time.

"Yep." Adam looked up at me. He did look well already. His bright and colorful face returned. The wrinkles under his eyelids disappeared and his eyes were free of soreness. His hair was perfectly combed. He was already bathed and I could smell his fragrance even from a few feet afar. "Thanks to you." He grinned. Even his smile looked like a million bucks.

I smiled at his words.

He took the two plates of eggs and bacon to the dining table. I sat on one of the chairs while he poured us both two cups of coffee. Then he sat on the chair opposite from me.

"Consider this as a thank you." He reached out and held my hand. "Sorry, it's not a five star steak recipe but..."

I laughed at his joke.

"I love it." I smiled and shoved a spoonful of eggs and bacon into my mouth.

When Adam finished his plate, he suddenly got up from his seat and walked over to me. Then he wrapped his arms around me, snuggling his face above my shoulder. I chuckled, looking over to him. "What do you want?"

"Thank you." He muttered. "Really."

"You've told me that already." I giggled and turned to face him. He was crouched to my level and our noses touched.

"And I'll keep on doing it." He grinned.

I held his face and pushed my lips on his. His skin was cold but his lips were warm. They made me feel both calm and intense all over my body. I shivered when he placed his cold hand on the nape of my neck. He kissed me deeper but still soft. Slow sweet kisses made my senses tingle. My heart ached for him.

He pulled away. I had to admit that I was a bit disappointed he stopped. But I knew I had no right to complain because I do it to him all the time.

"Love you." He smiled and kissed me quickly again before taking his plate to the kitchen.

I Smiled, feeling warm inside.

After I finished breakfast, I took a shower. Luckily, there was a lot of warm water left and I had the pleasure of staying in the relaxing temperature of the water. I went to Adam's bedroom and got clothes from my backpack. When I go here, I usually bring clothes because I usually stay for more than one day. It was Saturday today so I had no classes and I could have the whole weekend to myself. Adam also had no shift or gig today. His boss pushed him to take the rest of the weekend off in case he's still sick. And Tommy cancelled the gigs as well for the same reason. All in all, we could do whatever we wanted for this whole weekend.

I slipped into my gray joggers and black crop top. Then I slumped on Adam's bed with my sketchbook. I tapped my pencil on the blank page, thinking of what to draw.

Ever since I accepted my sketching abilities four months ago, I've been sketching all the time. Adam would even tease me many times that I'm replacing him with my sketchbook. My parents haven't called back yet. But I didn't care. I've been thinking. If they can't accept me, then fine. After college ends, I'm gonna pursue this dream. And i don't care if they'd support me or not. I'll find a way.

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