Last Night

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"What the hell happened last night?" Jenna came out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around her body.

I just looked up at her and sighed. Last Night, all I did was let the guilt eat me. After I ran away from Adam, I kept running till I reached our hotel room. Then I hid under the covers and shut my eyes tight, trying hard to sleep. But I couldn't because tears were streaming from my eyes. All I could think of was Adam. My heart fluttered as I remembered the way he kissed me, but then my heart ached so badly when I remembered the way he whispered those words: Did you ever feel something for me?

The question repeated on and on inside my mind. I thought hard of my answer. The way I felt last night showed all signs that I did feel something for him. If it was just a one night stand, none of this would've ever happened. We would just meet, smile and laugh like old friends. But no. Last night turned into a completely different thing. The way he looked at me. It was heart aching. I knew my answer was yes.

But something kept holding me back from fully accepting it. I was still aching from Caden. How could I possibly just throw that away? When I think of Adam, I get butterflies. And when I think of Caden, I get heartache. But believe me... All I want is to be held by Caden again. Just a minute together. It was still flying inside my head...

"Is that your answer?" She folded her arms.

I looked up at her and whined. I was embarrassed to admit it was Adam. But honestly, I've been holding this back for too long. My heart's ready to burst.

"Honey..." She gave me a worried look and sat beside me on the bed. "Be honest with me. Ever since Caden left, you've been so secretive and quiet. That's not healthy. Just tell me."

I whined and buried my face on her lap, my heart aching.

She rubbed my back to comfort me. I sat up straight and wiped away tears from my face.

I looked at her. "I'm just so confused, Jenna!"

"Why? What happened?" She asked.

I hesitated but eventually told her everything about last night, whining and crying every other sentence.

"Well, did you ever feel something for him?" She asked.

"Please don't ask me..." I cried.

"Look Xena, if Caden's holding you back, keep this in mind... If he's here now and he asked you again to marry him... Would you?"

"Please don't ask me that too." I whined.

"Xena just think about it... Because you can't let something that's absolutely not worth it hold you back from having the best thing in your life." She held my hands tight.

My heart ached. She's right. But I'm still so confused. I didn't even know who's not worth it and who's the best thing.

"But I barely know Adam. What if he's not worth it?" I sighed.

"And if he's not worth it... Do you think Caden's the best thing?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't know!!!" I cried and lied down on my bed. I look like shit and I smell like one too. I haven't cleaned myself since last night and I'm still stuck in my last night's dress.

"Look if you don't know Adam... Why don't you try to get to know him better?"

"No. No no no. Besides How would I do that? There are a thousand people here in this event?" I looked up at her.

"Let's just say that after you bailed on me last night, I asked a certain blondie's girlfriend their address?" She grinned deviously.

Adam's POV

I watched the news reporter babble on the television, but I paid no attention to anything she was saying. The only thing running around my head is Jade. When we kissed, i was sure there was the same electricity flowing through us. Apparently, her answer made it clear that I was nothing more than a one night stand. She's probably creeped out from me trying to kiss her.

I went to this vacation to forget about troubles because I'll be having plenty of that when I get back home. But apparently, problems just can't stop chasing me. We shouldn't have met last night? Or ever for that matter... I'm tired of expecting something more when it's so clear what she actually feels.

"What's on for today?" Tommy asked.

"Looks like there's a surfing competition today." Ashley replied, scanning the schedule.

"Good. Let's watch. I wanna see them drown." Tommy laughed.

Ashley groaned and rolled her eyes.

"Dude." Tommy suddenly jumped on the bed and lied down next to me.


"Are you okay?"

"Yeah." I lied.

"Well... It's just- you don't watch local news." He replied.

"I'm okay." I smiled. "Really. Just a bit tired."

"Okay." He shrugged but kept a worried look. "By the way, you didn't tell me that Xena was actually Jade."

"I didn't even know you guys know each other." I chuckled.

He chuckled.

"You guys looked liked something happened between y'all before." Ashley jumped on the bed and kneeled in front of me.

"Something did happen-" Tommy started but I cut him off.

"What are you guys even doing on my bed? We rented a room with three beds. Can you just leave me be with my bed?" I shooed them.

"A a a. Remember Adam. I paid for this room. I get to do what the fuck I want." He snickered.

I just rolled my eyes and ignored them.

"Do me one favor. Can you at least take a bath? You smell like shit."Tommy said.

"Yeah sure whatever." I stood up lazily and Ashley smacked my butt playfully before taking my place on the bed. It's my fucking bed sheesh.

I grabbed a towel and got in the shower. I let the cold water splash on my skin. It was so hot outside and the cool water just felt amazing. I tried to keep my thoughts Jade free as I showered so I just sang a song and kept my mind blank.

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