Second Day Complete

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Adam's POV

My face was numb but the hit parts pained so badly. I could feel my head throbbing. I've never gone in a fight like that before. I usually just ignore people and walk away. Apparently, Jade told me to do just that a dozen times. But i couldn't help myself. When the guy started disrespecting her, Anger just flowed through my veins. I tried to hold it down but my fists got the best of me. He did start it, just for the record.

"Does it still hurt?" Jade gave me a worried look, pressing the ice pack deeper.

"Yeah." I replied, grimacing.

"I'm sorry." She apologized.

"No it's okay. The pressure's just right." I smiled.

"No. I mean. I'm sorry for getting you into this mess." She frowned.

"You didn't get me into this mess. I did." I smiled. "Now shut up and cure me."

She chuckled, smiling.

"You know, we didn't finish our twenty questions yet..." I said, suddenly remembering. Our last question was so rudely interrupted by that asshole.

"Oh yeah. Who's turn is it?" She asked.

"Yours." I replied.

"Adam!" Suddenly, a blonde shirtless guy approached us. Yes. It's Tommy. He sprinted towards us together with Ashley and Jenna who were wearing their two piece swimsuits.

"Woah. What the hell happened?" Tommy's eyes grew wide when he reached us.

"Adam! What happened?" Ashley sat beside me, and her eyes were wide.

"How could you get beat up in a summer party event?" Jenna raised an eyebrow.

"It's a long story." Jade smirked.

"Then tell me." Jenna urged.

"I will tell you later." Jade replied.

"And I will tell you guys later too. Right now, we should get to the surf competition." I smiled and stood up. Jade took away the ice pack for a while and stood up as well.

"But maybe you need to like lie down or something." Jenna suggested.

"Yeah. There is like a wild crowd out there." Ashley agreed.

"No it's okay. I have this little doctor with me. I think I'll be fine." I grinned at Jade and she smirked, rolling her eyes.

Jade's POV

We headed to the surf competition and had a blast. The crowd was wild and cheers were non stop. The host was hilarious. Music was booming. Everything was so fun and vibrant. I wrapped a bandage cloth on Adam's stomach first before we got here. And now, he was screaming and cheering like he didn't even get beat up. The guy we bet on was this guy that not a lot of people were voting on cause he wasn't known in the place. He was from Germany. But When he busted out his tricks and moves, everyone immediately changed their minds. We were happy of course. And we gained cash on our bets which was an added bonus.

"That was so wild!" Tommy jumped and put an arm around Adam.

"Ah!" Adam shot up in pain.

"Oh sorry man." Tommy apologized.

"It's okay." Adam rolled his eyes, grinning.

"Where do you guys wanna go tomorrow?" Ashley asked in excitement.

"What's the schedule tomorrow?" I asked.

We were on our way to this cool Seafood Restaurant for dinner. Everyone's been talking about how great the food is there. And it wasn't too pricey either.

"Tomorrow's sale day. People will come out and sell anything they want on the beach." Jenna answered.

"Even their bodies?" Tommy snickered.

"Shut up." Ashley pushed him.

"Why don't we just swim, sun tan, just enjoy the beach tomorrow." Adam suggested.

"Great idea." Tommy shrugged and everyone else agreed.

We reached the restaurant and ordered a large plate of mixed seafood good for all of us. The place looked so cozy and relaxing. It had a wooden cabin atmosphere and sailor decorations were displayed everywhere. The cold night breeze from the ocean reached till there which really added to the calm surroundings.

"I love this place." I exclaimed.

"Yeah. It feels so relaxing." Tommy agreed. "It's definitely a big twist from our energy a while back."

The waiter gave us our order and we gobbled up.

"It's so nice we get to spend these next few days with you guys." Ashley squealed.

"Yeah! It would've been a boring ass week if I was only with jade." Jenna teased.

I gave a sweet smile and raised a middle finger.

The night went on so lovely. Everything about the place turned our wild energy into a soothing feeling. Our chats were tease-filled but you could really tell we were relaxed. When we finished our food, we chatted for a few more moments before leaving. We walked back to our hotels. It was a great thing that they were in the same direction.

"Damn it's chilly." Ashley shivered.

"Too bad us guys are wearing no jackets. A pass for our gentleman nature." Tommy snickered.

"This is our stop." Jenna said when we were already in front of our hotel.

I faced Adam. "I had a great time."

"Me too." He smiled. "Thanks for treating my mess."

"You're welcome." I smiled back. "And thanks for saving my ass."

He chuckled.

"Alright lovebirds! It's late. Let's go. I'm sleepy." Tommy complained.

"See you tomorrow." Adam smiled, his blue eyes gleaming.

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