I Found Her

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Jade's POV

Adam and I were strolling down the mall. It was the first weekend of his job and he got a day off today so I insisted we celebrate, even though he thought it was silly. I just told him to call it a celebration, but deep inside I just wanted to spend some time with him outside.

We were eating lunch at Mcdonald's. I stared at Adam. He was looking out the large windows while chewing mindlessly on his food. This is another reason why I wanted to take Adam out in public. He's been so far out lately, like his mind was always working through something. It was like something has been bothering him.

I figured that maybe it was because this whole situation in his life -no money and no permanent home- is a bit overwhelming for him. Maybe it stressed him. And maybe he needed a little break. Honestly, we've been cooped up inside the dorm for weeks now. Negative thoughts have also been filling me lately with his behavior. What if he feels imprisoned by me? I mean, he goes from his job and back to the dorm. That's his daily cycle. I don't prevent him from going out, really. But he never does. And it's bothering me. What if he's tired of this boring relationship?

He's still the same Adam. He still cracks jokes and flashes his charm. But at often times, he would suddenly drift off and zone out. Frankly, if I don't speak to him, he wouldn't speak either. It's like he'd forget he's in this world.

"Hey..." I smiled at him.

"What?" He snapped out of his state and looked at me with a blank face.

I bit my lower lip. I've never asked him what's wrong yet. I've always thought that maybe he needed time to sort whatever he was thinking about. And that me asking him would just make me look more clingy.

But I couldn't help it.

"You know..." I took his hand in mine and stared at our perfectly intertwined fingers. Then looked back at him, taking a deep breath. "If something's bothering you, you can tell me."

He gave a small smile and opened his mouth to say something, but closed it again.

"Nothing's wrong... I'm just a bit stressed with everything that's going on." He smiled. I knew he was lying. Even though Adam and I weren't an old couple, I knew him well enough to know that he wasn't telling the truth. Besides, this whole situation with him started way back before our vacation even started. And he wasn't like this.

This spacing out thing with him just started a few days ago. It's obvious that something happened.

But I chose not to push.

"Okay..." I smiled back and took my hand away.

Our day at the mall ended shortly. It felt like a mindless day with Adam. And the passing days were even more quiet. It felt like we were almost strangers. I mean, he was still charming and funny. But something was just wrong. Ever since I asked him what's wrong, we've been so awkward. I tried to think of it as a new stage I haven't encountered yet in a relationship. But I just couldn't shake the fact that he might be tired of me. Adam's a playboy. And knowing that fact didn't help either. I just wanted him to tell me.

He's doing great at work though. He told me he could earn just enough by the end of the month for him to buy an apartment. Of course, I was happy for him. But at the same time, I was worried. We already felt like a million miles away even though we're together. Who knows how strange it would be to have him live somewhere else. It would be worse. I knew I had to push him to tell me at some point.

"Adam..." I said. We were lying on the bed, his arm wrapped around me as we watched TV.

"Yeah?" He replied, still staring mindlessly at the television.

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