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I opened my eyes slowly. The sunlight was directly striking my eyes so it was hard to keep my eyes fully peeled. I had forgotten to put on the thick drapes I bought to avoid the sunlight from ruining my eyes. I tried to move but somehow, my body wouldn't let me. Frustrated, I forced myself to move. Then I realized the cause of my problem. Adam's arm was wrapped around me.

Shit. I didn't actually- did I? 

I remembered last night. No. No. NO. It was just a dream. There has got to be a perfect excuse for this. 

 I looked at Adam who was speaking peacefull, his arm wrapped around me. He looked his beautiful. His freckles were so visible and his long eyelashes lay perfectly on his lids. His hair was a mess but still, it looked so perfect- Wait. Stop it, Xena. Huh. He's been calling me Jade for so long that it sounds so weird to call myself by my real name. 

Everyone calls me Xena. Because that's how I intorduce myself. But apparently, this guy decided to stick with my second name. I don't fancy much my second name. I mean, i like it. But I like Xena more cause it's unique.

I shook my head to snap myself out of petty thoughts and get on to more important things like the fact that I'm naked under these sheets next to a stranger I just met overnight. P.S. I just got heartbroken from a four year relationship.

Shit. Is this really how shallow I am? I can't believe I would sleep with a guy just to let the pain subside. Honestly, I'd rather be bawling than lose my dignity.

I carefully removed Adam's arm from my stomach and sat on the edge of the bed, keeping the sheets cover my lower body. I ran a hand through my hair as I glanced at Adam. I can't believe I slept with ths guy. What happened to me? It brought me nothing but more problems. Literally. My bach hrts so badly and my legs felt like vegetables. Shit. Last night was too much... 


"Shit." It was the first word I muttered when I opened my eyes. Damn that sunlight. It immediately struck my eyes, almost blinding me.

I leaned on my elbows, trying to sit up. The memories of last night immediately flooded back to me. The Ferris Wheel, Jade, The sex. Okay, it''s weird that I call it "The sex" like it's some sort of movie. I couldn't help but feel my heart flutter as I remembered Jade.

I smiled at the thought of her. And not because of the sex. I was thinking more of our talk at the Ferris wheel and the carnival. It's the realest conversation I've ever had with anyone for quite a long time.

"Um. Why are you smiling?" A female's voice from my right made me jump.

"Ah fuck." I shot up. "Who are you?" 

"I think I should be asking you that." she raised an eyebrow at me. For a second, my heart almost stopped as I thought that this might be Jade. But I immediately realized she was blonde and a totally different girl.

"Oh sorry. Um..." I realized I didn't exatly send out a nice approach. "Where's Jade?" 

"You mean Xena?" she was filing her nails, sitting at the edge of her bed. Her bed was right across from mine. Or more like Jade's. That's right. I'm at Jade's dorm. This must be her roommate. 

I nodded my head. "Yeah."

"Well, she's gone out to buy something I think. But she left this note for you." she lazily stood up and handed me a crumpled piece of paper.

The note was written in a messy handwriting: Hey Adam. I had fun last night and you're a really great guy. But this is just too much for me to handle. Please. I'll be back later and I really hope you'd be gone by then. I'm sorry. I really like you. Just not now. 

"You guys hooked up, huh?" the girl kept her eyes fixed on her nails.

"What?..." I looked up at her and could barely answer from confusion and disappointment from Jade's letter. "Oh. Yeah." 

"I see she took my advice." she said.

"What? What do you mean?" I asked, confused about everything. 

She just smirked.


I checked my watch. 7 pm... He's gotta be gone by now. I stayed at the fountain the entire day, watching people and birds pass by. Of course, with music blasting through my earphones, it was easy to keep myself occupied the entire six hours. I actually went to  some shops and window shopped for some hours as well.

With these many thoughts rumbling inside my head, I had a lot to zone out about.

I chose to walk back to the dorm, to keep time longer. The entire day, I thought about Adam then Caden then how fucking low I've gone. I never expected - of all people- myself to do something like this. And the hole that Caden left hasn't even healed yet. It just felt worse now. I felt like I cheated on him even though we were through. I don't think you can throw away our relationship in just a one night stand...

But what's scaring me is... that night I was with Adam, I actually felt something. A tang of happiness that made my heart flutter. But that's the thing. I'm not yet ready to feel something like this. I'd rather keep crying because of Caden than laugh because of Adam. 

Besides... I still barely know the guy.

I reached the dorm hallway, almost mindlessly. Then when I opened the door...

"ADAM?!" I exclaimed as I saw Adam laughing on my bed, chatting with Jenna. Adam was leaning against the wall, feeling right at home and Jenna was laughing out loud, her insides showing.

Adam and Jenna stopped laughing and turned their eyes at me.

"Oh hey Jade." Jenna greeted me with her usual groggy self.

"Hey." Adam gave a small wave.

"Wha-?!" I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Did I honestly just spend nine hours outside just to come home and see this guy sitting pretty in my fucking bed?! "Don't you 'hey' me! I thought I told you to go." 

"Yeah but I thought that you might change your mind. And you know your friend here kept me company." Adam sat up straight and explained.

"I'm not gonna change my mind. And I'm glad you two got along well but can you please just-" I took a deep breath, avoiding his eyes. "Go." 

The three of us were silent. Adam just looked at me with his persuading blue eyes, as if insisting me to change my mind. But my mind was set. 

"Okay. Yeah sure." he stood up and slipped on his shoes. "I... I'm sorry. I'll head out now." 

He kept his head down and his hands in his pockets as he walked past me at the door. An image that completely filled me with so much guilt and disappointment. Although I made up my mind, a part of me screamed out that what I did was a mistake.

When I closed the door, Jenna faced me with an angry face.

"What in the hell did you just do?" she burrowed her eyebrows and scoffed.

I gulped down the guilt and went to my bed. No Xena. It's the right choice. 


Sooo... how's the story so far? Haha they went off with a rough start but I promise you, it'll get better. Anyways, I just wanna clear something up cause some of you might get confused. Xena is what she calls herself and Jade is what Adam calls her. Haha. I just feel like it's a bit confusing.

Anyways that's all. Thank you guys for the support and love ya guys.

Keep the Glam! xoxo

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