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I've been here for thousands of times. My friends and I discovered this place after senior prom and we claimed it ever since. I didn't know it's history. For all I know, it could've been a graveyard or a haunted carnival. My friends stopped going here ever since they reached college. But I didn't. Because something about this place keeps drawing me back.

"How did you find this place?" Jade asked.

"Just from the mischiefs of my friends before." I replied which made her smile.

I don't know what I'm doing here with her, to be honest. I don't know why I was so damn attracted to her in the club a while ago. Like a stalker, I've been observing her for hours there. I was just curious because unlike all the other people there, she was just sitting and not doing anything.

I've worked in that club for almost a two years now. And although there are some heartbroken and miserable people who talk to me about their life story, I would still see them hook up with some stranger at the end of the night. I think that's the weird thing about clubs. People go there to forget about their problems but when they wake up the next morning, they turn out to have an even bigger problem than they already have.

"Cold?" I asked as I saw her shiver. Her skin was pale now.

She nodded quietly.

"Maybe we should go down." I frowned. She looked like she was freezing.

"No. I'm okay." She said, her voice faint.

"You're freezing, you know that?" I raised an eyebrow.

"It's okay. I just want to enjoy this a little more." She closed her eyes and absorbed the atmosphere.

I smiled. She looks so beautiful with her hair flowing in the- wait. No. No no no no. Okay, Lambert? First of all, she's heartbroken. And second, you barely know each other.

A tear flowed down her cheek, her eyes still closed.

I felt sad.

How could that guy just leave her like that?

"Um... that guy. Do you still love him?" I started a conversation, to comfort her.

"Yeah." She slowly opened her eyes and sighed. "I'm just still shocked from him. It's so unlike him- in fact, it's so unlike for any person- to just do that. Four years. That's not easy to forget."

"I understand. It's not easy to forget a person who gave you so much to remember." I sighed, my heart heavy.

She looked at me, giving a sad smile. But tears were now flowing down her cheeks.

"I just-" she bawled. "It was so fucking perfect. I'm so stupid. I could've just said yes. It doesn't even matter if I'm still in college. I could already get married. I mean, my parents love him. His parents love me. Our relationship's already tested time. Just one 'yes'. I've always told him I'd have nothing if I don't have him. But why was I so stupid to think about that 'nothing' when he's already giving me the opportunity to be with him forever."

I thought hard, letting her words sink in. "You know... everything has a purpose. Maybe you didn't say yes because you really aren't ready. What if you're not ready to have kids? To pay the bills? To work shift? I mean, you should have a chance to get out there and enjoy life before it traps you in it's clutches forever."

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