Walking Back

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Jade's POV

I fidgeted in my tight black leather shorts that Jenna picked out for me. She took my outfit from her own wardrobe which was black leather shorts, black half sleeved top and a pair of black boots that Jenna got as a gift from one of her boyfriends before. Being in this crowded party was bad enough. I had to wear these tight clothes too.

I wasn't even planning on going to this hell of a party. I already had my evening planned a while ago. Curl up in Bed, Listen to Miserable Music, Eat Ice Cream, Try Not to Think of Adam. Those were the only things in my to do list. But Jenna just busted through the door, dressed me in her clothes and pushed me out the comfort of the Hotel.

"Stop fidgeting." Jenna told me like she was a wise old woman and I was a little kid. We were standing by the street lights posts. I watched the hundreds of people laughing, chatting, partying to the pass time music, having their starter drinks. My stomach churned at the probability of Adam being in those crowds of hyped up people.

"I don't even know why I'm here. That's it. I'm going back." I turned around, decided.

Jenna grabbed my arm and pulled me. "Xena! Just-" she placed both arms on my shoulders and looked me straight in the eyes. "Just stay, okay?"

"I already told you. I don't wanna be here." I groaned.

"And I already told you. You need to be here." She gave a serious look.


"Because you can't just spend your last day here sulking. I took you to this vacation so you would stop doing just that. We can't go back to the dorm with you miserable once again." She explained, letting go of my shoulders.

"What makes you think that being here would make me happy?" I argued.

She opened her mouth to say something, the closed it again giving a sad smile. "It's a shot."

I sighed and leaned against the post. "What are we even doing here? Shouldn't we be there at the party?"

"I just texted Tommy. They said they're on their way." Jenna twirled her phone in her hand casually.

"Tommy?!" My heart stopped. "What the hell? We're with them?"

Jenna looked at me with widen eyes, in shock. "You make it sound like they're psychos."

"No. You're a psycho. What if Adam's with them?" I pressed my pointer finger at her and argued in a restrained voice, even though I felt like freaking out already.

"Look, Adam's not with them, okay?" She replied, but avoided my eyes. I knew she wasn't sure. She was lying.

"I can't fucking believe this!" I threw my hands in the air.

"Hey!" Suddenly, two arms came from behind me and wrapped me in a hug. I was shocked and I turned my head to look. It was Ashley, giving me a bear hug.

"Heyyy..." I smiled awkwardly. My plans of turning back and going to the hotel were ruined.

"Oh my gosh! You look amazing!" Ashley broke free and gestured her hands over to my outfit.

"Thanks. You too." I smiled, admiring her cute dark orange shaded boho outfit and side braided hair. "Looove the braids."

"Thanks!" She flashed a blushing smile.

"Well hello, Mr. Archangel." Jenna turned and we saw Tommy walking over, with a wave. He looked really nice in all white.

"Good evening, ladies." Tommy placed one hand in his pocket and gave us a small salute.

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