The Bartender

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"Look over there." She signaled her eyes over to the direction behind me.

I didn't get her at first because the music was sonic loud and I didn't hear her. I thought she just saw a cute guy behind me and was flirting with him. When she realized I was slow af, she just rolled her eyes and tilted my head with her own hands.

I scanned the place to see what she was pertaining to. All I saw was a blur of people dancing around and lasers of different colors on their skin. Their chaos made me feel nauseous just by looking at them. I could feel my head spinning.

"What?" I asked Jenna when I couldn't stand it anymore.

"Over there." She smooched her lips to a direction.

I squinted my eyes, trying to see through the crowd. Actually, I wasn't sure whether I should look through the crowd, or at the crowd. Honestly, there are a lot to be concerned about the view for me to just pick one. There were cute guys, girls grinding, people screaming useless crap. Either one could be it.

"Dammit Xena. Over there!" She rolled her eyes and pointed her finger to the bartender's direction.

"What about it?" I raised an eyebrow.

"It's not an it, Xena. It's a he." She rolled her eyes.

"And with that..." She smirked and massaged my shoulders. Her breath smelled full of alcohol.

"Why don't you-"

"No." I immediately faced the table, away from her or the bartender. I didn't even let her finish. I know Jenna. And I know he's just gonna make me hookup with another total stranger which, in this case, is the bartender.

"C'mon Xena!!!! You don't want to dance, you don't want to party. Can you at least do this?" She pleaded.

"No." I said firmly.

"You promised you're gonna have fun!" She said childishly.

"I don't recall ever promising to do anything, Jenna. I told you I'd go with you. I never said I'd dance or hookup with anyone." I said, irritated.

"Xena. Caden's gone, okay? Can you just-" she started but I immediately shot her a glare.

She looked surprised by my reaction. I couldn't help it. Even though Caden's gone... I don't want anyone else thinking that. In fact, I don't want to think that.

"I just want to cheer you up." She sighed.

"I'm happy just the way I am." I gave her a sad smile.

"You know you're not." She smiled back.

"I know." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Look. Just-" she stood up, squeezed my hand and let go. "Don't stress yourself. Enjoy the night."

I smiled and watched her disappear into the crowd.

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