The View

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I've never been to this part of the city before. I don't really go out much.

The place looked like any ordinary park you would see in a neighborhood. The rusty swings swayed a bit from the chilly breeze. The slides and see-saws were dusty but sturdy. And after the old looking playground, grass stretched out across the horizon. Everything looked normal except for the fact that it was dead silent for nothing but the sounds of crickets could be heard. Luckily, the street lights glowed a bright light upon the ground, making it feel less terrifying.

I shivered from the cold wind seeping through my shoulders.

"Here." Suddenly Adam took off his leather black jacket and placed it around me. I felt embarrassed and wanted to give it back. But I was also shivering so I chose to keep it and nodded a Thanks instead.

We walked a few steps in a straight direction. When it was getting dark and the street lights were drawing farther from us, I felt a sudden chill of fright. What if Adam is a criminal? Although he made me feel quite comfortable inside the car, I still consider him as a stranger.

I wish Caden was here. I know I promised myself to stop thinking about him, but somehow just the thought of him makes me feel safe. Even though I am walking through the darkness alone with a stranger, the memory of Caden made me feel like the park was alive and filled with people. That the sun was shining brightly on our faces. And that the stranger I am with is Caden. That we're holding hands as we walk through the ecstasy of the park.

"I hope you're not afraid of heights." Adam grinned at me.

"Why?" I asked.

He just smiled and placed a hand on the small part of my back, leading me to a turn. We turned right to a stony path of trees and flowers and stayed on that path for half an hour.

"Are we there yet?" I panted.

"Close." He replied, relaxed. It was like he didn't even care that we were walking in the dark for half an hour.

I groaned.

"Want me to carry you?" He grinned.

I rolled my eyes and kept walking, trying to keep my balance. I could barely breathe. It wasn't really because we've been walking for so long. It was because of the stones that I had to balance and avoid. And the fact that Adam's legs were longer so his steps were huge.

After a few more steps, Adam held out his hand to me and I took it. He led me to a closed, more narrow path.

And then suddenly, I realized I was at a carnival. It was dark and abandoned but I could more or less make it out. There was a large Ferris wheel, cotton candy stands and a few other games and rides. It looked old and abandoned.

"Wait here." He sprinted away from me.

I was left standing in the middle of it all, my mind brainstorming on whether gangsters would come out of nowhere and kill me. Or if this is all actually true.

One by one, the lights started blinking and opening. Rusty yet classic, the carnival's true beauty suddenly sparked. The theme was pink and red everywhere. The lights were bright of different colors. Lights glowed over the cemented ground which still had streamers and confetti of different colors. Everything looked so normal if you would think of it. But something about the atmosphere was magical.

I was dumbfounded.

"Beautiful, ain't it?" Adam suddenly popped out beside me.

"It's..." I searched for words. "Incredible."

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