Betty x Sweet Pea

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"You could always let Fangs set you up with some Serpent" she grinned.

"Fucking hell, he'd line up every girl within a 100km radius from us and grill the absolute shit out of them" I said as we both laughed.

"And what makes you think I wouldn't date a North Sider?" I asked her.

"I don't exactly see you hangout with any other North Siders besides Kevin and I. And that's because Fangs makes you" she said.

"I think you think Fangs controls my life" I said and she smirked.

"Doesn't he?" She grinned.

"I run a whole fucking gang" I said making her chuckle.


"I don't know why they invite us places, they always leave us behind to do whatever" Betty said as we stood at the bar.

Tonight's adventure was a bar. As soon as Fangs and Kevin had got their drinks, they gave us a quick wave before they headed to the dance floor. They were probably gonna grind on each other all night.

"I think they just like your truck and invite me so I'm not jealous that you're getting more attention" she grinned as she drank from her glass of coke.

I can't believe there are people in the world who don't like to drink. That's just insane to me.

"Honestly that's a fair guess. Look at them, dancing all over each other" I said as I nodded to the couple.

"Get a room" she joked sarcastically and I nodded my head with a grin.

"So what's our plan for the rest of the night?" I asked her.

"I say for about half an hour we split up, try and find someone, realise everyone sucks and then meet back here" she said and I chuckled as I nodded my head.

"Good luck" I said as I saluted her and headed in the opposite direction.

I saw a girl clearly looking me up and down so I went to talk to her. She was flirty and respectfully touchy. But she was clearly drunk out of her mind and only wanted to talk about herself. All about her hair, her make up, her clothes and her bags. Really gives me daughter of a rich man vibes.

I was actually in the middle of speaking when she turned around to talk to another guy who would give her the attention she craves. I rolled my eyes as I turned away from her.

I walked back to the bar as I scanned the area, seeing if I could find Betty somewhere. After scanning the place, I saw Betty. She was pushed up against the wall, clearly struggling against some guy so I instantly walked through the crowd and up to Betty.

I pushed the man off of her and she instantly clung to my side as tears fell down her face.

"Dude what the fuck?" The guy yelled at me and I rolled my eyes.

I don't want to deal with this guy and clearly I needed to get Betty out of this situation.

"Don't fuck with me because I will kill you" I said sternly as I wrapped my arm over her shoulders and brought her out of the bar.

As I lead her over to a set of benches and the music faded into the background, her sobs became much more noticed.

We took a seat next to each other as I kept my arm around her.

"Hey, you're okay" I whispered softly as I looked to her hidden face.

"He's my ex" she said, an even more sympathetic look on my face forming.

I don't really know the full story of what happened between him and her. But in passing, I've heard that he lied to her, cheated on her and was very threatening. Which clearly all adds up after what just happened.

One Shots V.3Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ