Chapter 16: It Comes(with a Price)

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Chapter 16: It Comes(with a Price)

I tried to put it all together in the chapter as fast as I can.

This chapter is not going to be a bit long and if it is then oh well it goes on with the plot throughout the story just like the other ones.

Also, I found the quotes on Google.

It Comes(with a Price)

It comes with a Price

There is a price to pay for speaking the truth.

The price of truth is everything but no one knows what everything means until they're paying for it.

Everything comes with a price


Some things are more than just cost more than others.


Flashback: When Miyeon learns that she needs to let everything go.

The flashbacks are starting with something like this btw!!! 

Miyeon's Note

I wish I couldn't see them one last time.

I wish I didn't say goodbye to them one last time.

I wish there is one thing for me to continue my journey with my best friends.

I wish there is so much more to it but it didn't last long.

One last time

I need to be the one who takes me home.

One last time

I've been hoping for something big

I've been hoping for someone who loves me

I've been hoping for someone to let me go

Let me go

I'm breaking free from those memories

You just gotta let me go

Just let me go

Set it all on fire

Set it all on fire

Glitter and Gold

Hopes and Dreams

Faith and Wonder

So far, So Good

We were just kids, just kids outside running around and wandering around into places that we never have seen or gone to before.

I wish I could have stayed for so long.

It was too late

It was too late

I can't go back

It's never my fault

Everything turns out to be a disaster because of this place.

I'm so sick of this place

I'm so sick of the same old love.

Address those letters

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