"Jonathan, how do you interpret this?" Jennie mentioned a quote from Sun Tzu Art of War.

Jonathan was surprised to hear Jennie's question: why did sister suddenly test me on military tactics? Was she inspired from the trip to the military camp?

However, Jonathan dared not to drag his feet.

After some thinking, he straightened his back as he answered: "This sentence means: To someone who is adept at making use of soldiers, he does not need to gather his men repeatedly, or send military supplies repeatedly. Weapons and equipment will be supplied by the kingdom, but one must still attempt to take food supplies from the enemies. That way, there will be enough to feed the army. The reason why a kingdom becomes poor from war is because the army is far from the capital, and hence supplies had to be delivered from a long distance. The cost of this delivery will definitely cause the commoners to become poor. Prices near the garrison will definitely inflate. If there is inflation, there will be a drainage of resources. With the drainage of resources, tax and labor will naturally increase."

"Hmm." Jennie nodded with satisfaction.

She took a look at Lisa without leaving a trace, then she continued: "Actually, in a simpler manner of speaking, it would be that troops that are in battle should not overly rely on provisions by the court, because the matters of war are constantly changing. Complete preparations must be made for any moment. In case that the provisions are limited, or if there isn't enough for some reason, one must learn to replenish it with other kinds of routes and rations. Do not limit it to the enemy's provisions. For example, in a time of no alternative, war horses are also rations too. One can sow land for military crops or raise livestock for rations to eat when provisions are tight."

"Understood, I will remember."

"Then, this phrase.... how do you understand it?" Jennie mentioned quotes from Sun Tzu - Art of War again.

"Mm... This phrase is to say that, the principles in handling troops are: against opponents of high ground backed by hills, do not attack upfront; to enemies pretending escape from defeat, do not follow for further attack; do not storm enemies with elite forces; for enemies with troops of bait, do not be greedy; do not intercept troops that are retreating to the mainland; to enemy troops that were surrounded, leave a breach open; to enemies who are cornered, do not overdo forcefulness, these are the basic principles in handling troops."

... ...

In the time that followed, Jennie asked Jonathan many questions regarding the military's march, formation, geography, military strength and plotting attacks, etcetera.

Jonathan answered all of them.

When there were answers that were not complete or perfect, Jennie would provide an explanation patiently.

When the last questioning was complete, Jennie looked at Jonathan as she asked: "Did you get all that?"

"I've got it!" Lisa answered impulsively...

Hearing this, Jonathan and Nayeon turned their heads towards Lisa...

Lisa finally realized that she had been completely absorbed by Jennie's lecture.

She had lost her awareness of the situation...

Feeling Jonathan and Nayeon searching gazes on her, she straightened her body at once as she looked stiffly to the front.

Jennie smiled as she looked at Lisa, secretly happy: he is smarter than I had expected. Despite missing school, without receiving any systematic guidance and education, he could understand such obscure concepts, and understand them quickly.

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